Dynamic clothing control problem

SociopathSociopath Posts: 7

I just purchased this a couple hours ago. When I install with DIM, I lose the dynamic control tab altogether. When I manually install, I get the tab back, but it only has the basic controls that come default with Daz. Any help would be appreciated. 




PS- running 4.9 on Win10

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  • Did you enter the serial number https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/serialnumbers in Help>About isntalled Plug-ins and then restart DS after the DIM install? The manual install probably didn't work at all, if you correctly install the Control plug-in it overwrites the basic plug-in (which is why you don't see anyhting until you enter the serial number).

  • I completely forgot about That. You may have just made my day. I need wind in my life! lol. 

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