Low definition/smoothing

 Hello, I've been using daz studio for several months now and it is an awesome platform for 3-D creations. 

 Currently I am working on a project that will ultimately be sent out to have trophies made. 

 The trophy is a figure of basically a gladiator with a sword, etc.

 My challenge is this:  I want the  figure to have limited details,  just enough to kind of tell it's some type of human warrior ( no facial features, no detailed torso, but smooth),  like the Oscars style trophy in some respects.

 How can this be accomplished? Any help is appreciated. 


  • First, I have to check that you are using the content in accrdance with the terms of the license - if the trophy is to be given to someone else, or used as part of a commercial enterprise, then you need to open a Sales Support ticket to sort out the licensing terms http://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us

    DS does have the Decimator plug-in, but that is not free and I'm not sure how well it would work towards a 3D printable output (in order to ptint you need to use the additional water-proofing GeoGrafts, and those are critically dependent on the vertices around the graft site matching). Alternatively there are a few store products that smooth the face out - RawArt has at least one of them. If neither of those options are suitable you can make your own morph, but that involved using an external modelling application.

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