Project Hairy 456 . Just got Hair


I am new here  and trying to create my first characters, I bought Project Hairy 456,  when i use it on any Characterm the skin dissaperas and I just got hair , Am i Doing something wrong ?  Any ideas?






  • AnotherUserNameAnotherUserName Posts: 2,726
    edited October 2016

    I do this alot as well. This is a geometry shell product. First load the geometry shell to your model and then apply the hair shaders to the geometry shell. If you apply the shaders directly to the model, thats what you get, just hair. Apply to the geometry shell and everything will be ok. Im always making this mistake with my dirt shaders.

    If you wanted to you could also try out the Real Hairy products. . They arent shaders, they are fiber mesh hair and they will probably slow down your render times. Heres an example.

    Post edited by AnotherUserName on
  • Thanks!

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