The Historical Closet Thread

PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
edited December 1969 in The Commons

The old thread can be found here

The Wiki can be found here

There has been some good stuff recently released and I will try and add the links when I'm more awake.



  • BagletBaglet Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    To celebrate the re-opening of the thread:

    A little seamless cloth tile. Not real Jacobean embroidery of course. It's from a church altar in Gloucestershire.

    Forgot to say - free for anybody to use.

    512 x 512 - 124K
    Post edited by Baglet on
  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    My first post in the new forums! :)

    And it's to say that I'm so pleased to see this thread has a new incarnation - and thank you Baglet for such a beautiful tile.

    By the way, guys, I went to see the "Noble Art of the Sword" exhibition at the Wallace Collection today and it's small but absolutely wonderful, with some fabulous examples of rapier decoration - plus the parade costume of Christian II of Saxony in blue silk with silver thread. If you're free in London at any point, it's definitely worth a visit - and all free!


  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the tile's beautiful. I love that style of fabric.

    My first post in the new forums! :)

    And it's to say that I'm so pleased to see this thread has a new incarnation - and thank you Baglet for such a beautiful tile.

    By the way, guys, I went to see the "Noble Art of the Sword" exhibition at the Wallace Collection today and it's small but absolutely wonderful, with some fabulous examples of rapier decoration - plus the parade costume of Christian II of Saxony in blue silk with silver thread. If you're free in London at any point, it's definitely worth a visit - and all free!


    Leander, you make me quite envious I really wish I could have a trip to London to visit all the exhibitions. You are so lucky...did they allow photos? A lot of exhibitions now won't let you use a camera. The King Tut one I went to a while back didn't...

  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:
    ...did they allow photos? A lot of exhibitions now won't let you use a camera. The King Tut one I went to a while back didn't...

    Hi Pendraia - I think they would have allowed photos, definitely, but I didn't take a camera because I intended to buy the catalogue (and then it turned out to be £30 so I've had to come away and think about how much I really want it :)). You can get the catalogue on Amazon too, if you can't make it to London, although it seems to be £40 on there. >:-(

    Here's a render with Baglet's lovely tile. If you greyscale and invert the colours and use it for a displacement map, you get the most fantastic effects. It really does look like hand-embroidered silk. Lovely... More tiles like this would be wonderful!


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  • BagletBaglet Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    That's fantastic Leander. It really does work! Supply is limited by the number of churches using this sort of fabric in a way that I can grab a photo. I'm mostly takings pictures of architecture and stonework but sometimes find a good fabric. Altars are usually best unless somebody has gone a bit mad with the ironing and made too many creases. Here's another tile but not quite as good.

    I've just made a couple of Early Renaissance stuffed headdresses - a Balzo and a Grillanda. Hope to get them posted over the next day or two. They are simple props so will work in anything and scale to different figures.

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  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    Yay! More goodies! I will have to experiment with that one in a minute - just finishing another render with your first one. How beautiful... You obviously have better altar-cloths in your part of the world. I grew up in Somerset and we didn't have any as pretty as that.

    Very much looking forward to the headdresses as well. They look lovely!

    Grrr. Have just realised the people on the next road are having a street party (brave, considering it's been raining most of the day) - which explains the totally OTT bunting on the end house. Now I feel really anti-social, as my road is looking distinctly un-festive. (But I did hold a Jubilee tea party yesterday to watch the pageant on the TV :lol: - did anyone risk the wash-out?)


  • BagletBaglet Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    I've just had a friend on the phone complaining about their local street party. The pub organised it with neighbours each bringing a cake or something. Then all these people who hadn't contributed anything turned up and scoffed the lot. Not much goodwill left after that.

    I've discovered something that may be useful on the V and A site. You can take copies of their low res images (max 768 pixels) without needing permission as long as the subject matter is out of copyright. No distribution allowed but I think individual use should come within their terms. High res images are heavily protected. There are some good lower res images of textiles.

    I should be able to get MD soon. Just waiting to see when they are moving up to version 3 as I don't want to have to buy it twice. No news on quad mesh so it must be proving difficult but I think there are ways round that. I'll also have to learn weight-mapping.

    Post edited by Baglet on
  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited December 1969

    Baglet, thanks for the tiles...I'm looking forward to the props. I think I have downloaded some stuff from V&A when we first started this thread in the old forum but thanks for reminding me.

    Leander, love what you've done.

    Gotta go to work.


  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    And here is the lovely Claudia modelling the other must-have Jacobean fabric this season :-)

    Continuing my plug for random vaguely fashion-related exhibitions: went to Hampton Court today to see The Wild, the Beautiful and the Damned. Lots of gorgeous Lely pictures of Charles II's various mistresses in shimmering silk dresses and crumpled chemises. Now I'm just trying to figure out if there's any way of kit-bashing to get a similar effect...

    Baglet, thank you for another lovely tile. I played around with the shape of the bodice this time and added the bows - I think it looks a bit more appropriate for the period :-)


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  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited December 1969

    And here is the lovely Claudia modelling the other must-have Jacobean fabric this season :-)

    Continuing my plug for random vaguely fashion-related exhibitions: went to Hampton Court today to see The Wild, the Beautiful and the Damned. Lots of gorgeous Lely pictures of Charles II's various mistresses in shimmering silk dresses and crumpled chemises. Now I'm just trying to figure out if there's any way of kit-bashing to get a similar effect...

    Baglet, thank you for another lovely tile. I played around with the shape of the bodice this time and added the bows - I think it looks a bit more appropriate for the period :-)


    Gorgeous outfit and render...what bits did you use?
  • BagletBaglet Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    So beautiful (again!). I'll look through the photo archive to see what else I can track down. Somerset (so far) hasn't had much in the way of good fabrics. There is a large piece of 15th century fabric at Priddy church on the Mendips but it's under glass.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited December 1969

    Baglet said:
    So beautiful (again!). I'll look through the photo archive to see what else I can track down. Somerset (so far) hasn't had much in the way of good fabrics. There is a large piece of 15th century fabric at Priddy church on the Mendips but it's under glass.
    That makes it hard to take a good picture. If it's a church would they be open to a request to take a photo of the fabric?
  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:
    Gorgeous outfit and render...what bits did you use?

    Thanks Pendraia! The bodice is from the V4 Constance set over at Runtime DNA, with the "Bell Skirt" morph pushed up to about 1.75. The skirt is the V4 My Princess skirt here at DAZ, with my custom mat zones creating the front panel and the trim. The bows are from the V4 Sensibility Expansion set also here at DAZ - I think they're meant to go on the back of the apron. And the hair is Evelyn Hair from Runtime DNA.

    The reason I didn't answer earlier was because I was trying to be clever - I wanted to show you a render of the Genesis Cuban shoes from the Genesis Classics bundle, which I've done some mat zones for and which work really well with costumes of this period. It was all going very well, last night, until my computer crashed at 85% render completion, at which point I'm afraid I swore and just went to bed. But I might have another go tonight - if only to give another example of how existing items can be made to look historical even if they're not designed that way. :-)


  • BagletBaglet Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I knew those cuban shoes would come in handy - just never figured what for!

    Also fell victim to crashes, probably because I'm trying to get too many figures and buildings into Vue. I'm trying to set up the Nouschka Manor Courtyard as a Tivoli style Renaissance garden with Villa and Fortress in the background.

    The problem with the Priddy fabric is that it is on the wall and hard to access. I also went there in a rainstorm so the church was too dark. It's very fragile and looks like fragments pieced together. Below is the best that I managed.

    Rather annoyed that the Genesis Body Suit only seems to be available with that Supersuit thing. I had a look at the 'how to use the supersuit' videos but the morphs seem all hard edged and not often in useful places.

    449 x 433 - 83K
  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:
    Gorgeous outfit and render...what bits did you use?

    Thanks Pendraia! The bodice is from the V4 Constance set over at Runtime DNA, with the "Bell Skirt" morph pushed up to about 1.75. The skirt is the V4 My Princess skirt here at DAZ, with my custom mat zones creating the front panel and the trim. The bows are from the V4 Sensibility Expansion set also here at DAZ - I think they're meant to go on the back of the apron. And the hair is Evelyn Hair from Runtime DNA.

    The reason I didn't answer earlier was because I was trying to be clever - I wanted to show you a render of the Genesis Cuban shoes from the Genesis Classics bundle, which I've done some mat zones for and which work really well with costumes of this period. It was all going very well, last night, until my computer crashed at 85% render completion, at which point I'm afraid I swore and just went to bed. But I might have another go tonight - if only to give another example of how existing items can be made to look historical even if they're not designed that way. :-)

    LeanderThanks for the info...I have the skirt and the bows. I haven't seen the bodice before. I'll have to check it out. I haven't been buying much V4 stuff but with autofit transferring morphs now, I will probably rethink that.

    Sorry to hear about your computer frustrating when that happens.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited December 1969

    Baglet said:
    I knew those cuban shoes would come in handy - just never figured what for!

    Also fell victim to crashes, probably because I'm trying to get too many figures and buildings into Vue. I'm trying to set up the Nouschka Manor Courtyard as a Tivoli style Renaissance garden with Villa and Fortress in the background.

    The problem with the Priddy fabric is that it is on the wall and hard to access. I also went there in a rainstorm so the church was too dark. It's very fragile and looks like fragments pieced together. Below is the best that I managed.

    Rather annoyed that the Genesis Body Suit only seems to be available with that Supersuit thing. I had a look at the 'how to use the supersuit' videos but the morphs seem all hard edged and not often in useful places.

    That's a pity about the fabric...

    I have bought the supersuit but I haven't played with it yet. Some of the morphs that I saw on the later videos seemed okay but only playing with it in DS will really prove how useful it will be. I've just finished reports and this weekend is a three day weekend so hopefully I will get chance to play with it.

  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    I haven't bought the supersuit either. In principle it sounded like a good idea, but I already have the Genesis bodysuit and I don't really see what the supersuit would give me in addition, as I'm not into rendering superheroes... aside from the shaders, of course. There seemed to be some really nice ones in with the various sets... but I'm so spoiled with the Fabricator sets as it is, that I probably don't need any more :-)

    Baglet, I was going to make a very bad pun about that third piece of fabric and say "It's so Priddy!" but then I realised that this is a serious thread and I should control myself. :cheese: So I shall simply have a bit of a play with it later on. This might turn out to be a rather stylish fabric for the boys... Have you tried the tiling for it yet? Does it work fairly well?

    Good luck on your Tivoli garden, by the way. Impressive stuff! You'll be needing a few of Predatron's Cypresses, I would imagine?


  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    Okey-doke, I finally got the darn shoes to render. As I said before, these are the Cuban Diablo shoes from the Genesis Classics bundle here in the DAZ shop. It's a bit of a dull image, so I apologise, but my computer has been scarily prone to crashing recently and I didn't want to over-tax it. Besides, it's not meant to be art, I'm just making a point about the product :)

    Also, Pendraia, I just did a little post about the rapiers exhibition at the Wallace Collection on my blog. There are some images there of some of the swords, plus Christian II's outfit, if you wanted to take a look:

    Right, off to bed now...


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  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited June 2012

    Okey-doke, I finally got the darn shoes to render. As I said before, these are the Cuban Diablo shoes from the Genesis Classics bundle here in the DAZ shop. It's a bit of a dull image, so I apologise, but my computer has been scarily prone to crashing recently and I didn't want to over-tax it. Besides, it's not meant to be art, I'm just making a point about the product :)

    Also, Pendraia, I just did a little post about the rapiers exhibition at the Wallace Collection on my blog. There are some images there of some of the swords, plus Christian II's outfit, if you wanted to take a look:

    Right, off to bed now...


    Hi Leander, I like your blog...I love the swords and the outfit. Is the outfit quilted? It's hard to tell from the image? The shoes look great also...I didn't think of using them like that...
    Post edited by Pendraia on
  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:
    Is the outfit quilted? It's hard to tell from the image? The shoes look great also...I didn't think of using them like that...

    Thank you!

    I don't think the outfit is quilted as such, although there was certainly a lot of padding. What was incredible was how big it is - the guy must have been over six foot tall with the figure of Henry VIII!

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:
    Is the outfit quilted? It's hard to tell from the image? The shoes look great also...I didn't think of using them like that...

    Thank you!

    I don't think the outfit is quilted as such, although there was certainly a lot of padding. What was incredible was how big it is - the guy must have been over six foot tall with the figure of Henry VIII!lol...yeah, it would make him look quite pudgy.

    I've been playing with the supersuit. I still haven't got a good handle on it but it gives lots of options for sleeves. Render is very rough just to show possibilities...

    503 x 503 - 74K
  • BagletBaglet Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Baglet, I was going to make a very bad pun about that third piece of fabric and say "It's so Priddy!" but then I realised that this is a serious thread and I should control myself. :cheese:

    Good luck on your Tivoli garden, by the way. Impressive stuff! You'll be needing a few of Predatron's Cypresses, I would imagine?


    Well Priddy is very priddy! Even in the rain. I managed to get some good drystone wall and moss textures there.

    I'm thinking of making the Vue render into a backdrop and rendering the foreground in DS as the light setup wasn't working and it had gone too slow. I've some Vue cypresses and laurels - each plant comes out differently as they are made mathematically.

    Very interesting information from the Wallace collection. Have to see if I can get there - if the rain ever stops....

    Meanwhile an inlay tile from a late 16th century pistol in the V and A. I have mirrored it as that seems to be how it is on the gun. Taken in low light.

    570 x 255 - 92K
  • BagletBaglet Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:

    I've been playing with the supersuit. I still haven't got a good handle on it but it gives lots of options for sleeves. Render is very rough just to show possibilities...

    Looks like it might be worth getting after all. The videos made the morphs look hard-edged, probably because they were made for the superhero crowd.

  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    Baglet said:
    Have to see if I can get there - if the rain ever stops....

    Yes, just decided to go up during my lunch break to buy the catalogue. Now my feet are very wet... But the book is mine! This has enabled me to see that the legs of the costume mentioned above are indeed quilted, although the doublet appears not to be.

    Lovely tile, by the way. Now, what could we use that for, aside from weapon inlays... the lid of a trinket box, perhaps? Inlay around the edge of a Turkish chair or table? Thank you for more lovely goodies!

    Pendraia, I'm looking forward to seeing what other sleeve options there are on the Supersuit. Do the sleeves get any baggier or is that about it?

    Have a good day, guys!


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,236
    edited December 1969

    Hope you don't mind me butting in to the thread - I got the Supersuit and was playing around with it yesterday to see if I could get any sort of "historical" effect. Here's what I got - don't think it gets many marks for authenticity, but came out quite prettily I think. The suit certainly takes the Fabricator textures quite nicely.

    First is the top only - this is all Supersuit - what the angle hides is the odd underarm area, which I couldn't find a way to get right.

    Second is the whole thing, with the skirt from Jan19's freebie Dress Up Chest - it "almost" looks like it hangs together properly.

    PS. Thanks for the lovely fabric tiles, Baglet - really lovely. I've been interested in historic costume and fabrics for a long time, but my enthusiasm is much greater than my knowledge!

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  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    Welcome Melanie!

    And thank you for those lovely images showing the capabilities of the suit. It's encouraging to see that it can make a good-looking bodice - and you've kit-bashed the bodice and skirt very effectively. Wonderful stuff!


  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    And here is the result of my playing around with the Priddy fabric. GIMP very easily turned it into a seamless tile, so I settled down and had a go at making a doublet out of it.

    One for the boys...

    Now I've just got to think of something to do with Baglet's inlaid tile and then I've got them all covered :lol:


    500 x 702 - 750K
  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    And because I can't leave well alone... (I promise this is my last post for the day - it's past my bedtime :)) I just couldn't resist a very quick play with Baglet's final present to us.

    A render just for fun, to try out the inlay. Unfortunately the wobbly part of the hand guard is the same mat zone as the cross-piece, so I had no choice but to put it on both, not having enough time to create a new mat zone. I am fully aware that it would probably be hideously difficult to inlay that part. :-)


    500 x 702 - 556K
  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591
    edited June 2012

    Baglet said:
    Have to see if I can get there - if the rain ever stops....

    Yes, just decided to go up during my lunch break to buy the catalogue. Now my feet are very wet... But the book is mine! This has enabled me to see that the legs of the costume mentioned above are indeed quilted, although the doublet appears not to be.

    Lovely tile, by the way. Now, what could we use that for, aside from weapon inlays... the lid of a trinket box, perhaps? Inlay around the edge of a Turkish chair or table? Thank you for more lovely goodies!

    Pendraia, I'm looking forward to seeing what other sleeve options there are on the Supersuit. Do the sleeves get any baggier or is that about it?

    Have a good day, guys!

    LeanderThey do get bigger but too much bigger and then they're hard to bend the arms...there may be a trick to doing that which I haven't found yet.

    On the arms you have 4-5 arm shapes to play with and then you have shoulders, elbows and forearms that you can make bigger and smaller it handles morphs differently to other clothing as you can shrink it down so it is inside the arm,leg etc.

    There is also an underarm much to look at with it I don't know where to start first.

    I like the doublet and sword...

    Also great use of the supersuit as a bodice...

    Post edited by Pendraia on
  • BagletBaglet Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Welcome from me too Melanie. That supersuit looks worth getting. I think they missed a trick going overboard with the comic strip stuff.

    Still trying to get my head round two emails from DAZ. One said I had unsubscribed to newsletters (while logged out and asleep) but the other gave me 9 months PC for free. Bug reports submitted.

    Another day, another tile. This is more altar fabric but a different style. That's amazing getting a tile out of the Priddy photo. I've used the GIMP but not often as I only have it on the Linux box in my work office. Note to self - install it on PC.

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