Mapping rectangular texture onto UV

This is what I have: I have a set UV map, I can not change it, as it is the UV map used in Second Life for the basic Avatar Skins.

I have seamless textures I want to apply, but due to the UV Mapping (Arms, chest and back on same UV, and not placed in such a way to make it easy), a straight texture addition adds seams.

What I want to do is, in whatever program I can do it in, apply my seamless texture, tell the system to make it seamless across shading domains, then when I export the texture its properly skewed it 

This could either mean a 3D program that does it natively or

A graphics program where I can map the rectangular texture to a selection (and it used  the entire texture, just deforms it to fit in the space)

or anything i havent thought of

I have tried to use GIMP's cage transform, but it is very limited and doesnt transform it to the limit of the selection


  • Another option I would accept is any way to create a displacement map for Gimp from the UV

  • I'm not sure what you mean by the second post - displacement is relief, so you create it from a higher density mesh baked (using the UV map) to displacement or by painting the relief you want in shades of grey.

    As for the initial question, UV mapping is difficult because there is no general way to apply a pattern to an arbitrary shape without seams or distortion - it's just a question of which is least unacceptable and where they fall.

  • Thanks for that.  Yea, usually i would just use a UV unwrap that would help minimize it, but as I am stuck with the UV I have, its not easy.

    I have been making progress with using Cararra 3D paint and experimenting with it. it appers to do what I want, but it ends up still having a white seam when imported back into SL. (the edge of the UV Map), so got to figure out how to compensate for that

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