Cross-Gender Clones (making and converting)

I was wondering about converting autofit clones from one gender to M4 -> G2M so it's M4->G2F (Or G3M->G2F and so on).

Can this be done simply (like editing a text file) or is it a more complicated procedure?


  • Fragg1960Fragg1960 Posts: 356

    Why not just use the Genesis 1 figure as a bridge to cross-gender?  Take any M4 stuff--fit it to Genesis 1 (assuming you have the autofit clones you need), then fit it to G3 (assuming you have the autofit clones you need).  Using Genesis 1 as the bridge you could convert male stuff to fit females, etc.  Depending on the item, your mileage may vary regarding results though.

  • G2F<>G2M and G3F<>G3M already exist, and there are also the cross figure conversion kits. If you want to make a one-step journey then for Genesis 2 there'd be no great problem using the clone for one sex as a new morph for the other and then setting it up as a clone, but for Genesis 3 the male adn female mehes differ so that wouldn't be possible.

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