Interface/content tab question DS4.7

I typically use the poser content tab (not the smart content tab, which I close because I find it confusing) mainly because it's typically easier for me to find and reorganize things. However, I've NEVER used the camera, materials, or scene folders. Is there a way to hide those subtabs in Daz so I can make my list a little shorter? Or can I just delete them? If I delete them will it screw up other subfolders like poses (where I normally find my materials). What would deleting the cameras folder do since I never use cameras provided with products?

Just looking to systematize my interface a little better. And if I can save a little space on my drive while I'm at it, all the better.


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287
    edited August 2016

    Good questions - I'd like to know too. 

    I've kind of given up on trying to organize the current folders and set up. I find it MUCH easier to create my own folders under "Categories".


    That way I can keep all of Daz's folders intact (in case I eventually want/need to use it). But create and organize my own folders so that I can find everything I most commonly use. 

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • I hide folders on the Daz content side. im not sure if I have on the poser side but I dont know why it would be different. If you right click on the folder (on your pc, not in daz) and select properties you should be able to see an option that will hide the selected folder. Check this option and then start daz to see if the folder is still viewable, it should be hidden. That way you dont have to delete anything and can just change the option should you want to view it again. Id give more specific instruction but im not at my pc right now.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    However, I've NEVER used the camera, materials, or scene folders. Is there a way to hide those subtabs in Daz so I can make my list a little shorter?

    They aren't really "subtabs", they're the standard Poser Runtime Library categories which D|S is designed to also read and understand; a bit like the undeletable base folders in the D|S Categories view. And only these Library categories will appear in the Content Tab — other Poser file folders, usually containing data for custom morphs, will not show up. I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to try removing them just for the sake of the small amount of tidying-up you'll get; besides, the folders will only be recreated the next time you install something in Poser format containing items in them, so you'll need to delete them again and again.

    Also, note that the Materials Library is used sometimes for D|S materials preset sidecar files, sitting alongside the Poser .mc6 files, in which case you will actually need them.

  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,655
    edited August 2016

    One other thing - DS can read Poser content in any subfolder (so long as it's a mapped 'poser content' directory in your DS settings - so you can put Poser mat-pose files under the 'Character' folder and they'll show up in 'Figures' inside DS.

    I reorganised my runtimes to put clothing texture-poses for example in a subfolder of the clothing 'character' model. (Categories might have been easier, but I couldn't get it to work the way my brain does laugh ) and poses, smart-props, and clothes for M4 right under the M4 tab.

    Post edited by Silent Winter on
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