Need LIE help - Tshirt logo placing wrong

I'm trying to put a star wars logo on the t-shirt of one of my characters. In the Daz interface, it looks to be in the perfect spot. But when I hit render, it moves. Is there something I'm missing?


screenshot 1.jpg
1366 x 768 - 209K
Chrobak cover scene draft 1b.jpg
854 x 610 - 455K


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    Double check your shader and tiling, in case it's a UberSurface or HSS set to tile when you don't want it to.

  • lwaveslwaves Posts: 237

    I may be a bit off on this because I haven't extensively tested but this is what I've found:
    - As DaWaterRat says, check your shirts tiling especially if it's a shader. Tiled shaders seem to tile the LIE image too and you won't really want to change the tiling on your shirt. A geom shell or decal node will work for this.
    - If the shirt uses a texture check the resolution of it compared to your LIE resolution. Not sure if it makes a difference but it might. You might need to halve the location co-ords or something.
    - If none of that sorts it out you could always add a geom shell to the shirt and apply the LIE image to that shell. You can't really see where your placing it though, so calculations and guess work is involved. Not ideal IMO but it works.
    - But if you're using Iray I'd recommend using a decal node. It may seem confusing at first (there are tuts around) but it's much easier to use than LIE in my opinion and you can see exactly where you are placing it and what it will look like.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,779

    Thanks. I think it is because I used a shader for the shirt's fabric and it tiles then tried to place the logo using LIE. I know how to make a shell but have never tried to use it to apply a decal. I know nothing about decal nodes. Can that be done in 4.7?

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    I can't experiment with it right now, but in theory if you make a geometry shell of the T-shirt and then use LIE to place the logo just as you would normally on the surfaces of the Geometry Shell, it should appear normally.

    I've mostly used Geometry shells to double up on specialty shaders, but I know you can select the inidividual surfaces of the shell as if it were another figure.

    I'm also running 4.9, so I can't say for certain that how it works for me will be how it will work for you.

  • lwaveslwaves Posts: 237

    You can definitely use a geom shell and apply the LIE image to that. I've been doing that on top of shaders for awhile. It can be a lot of guess work and refinement as there is no underlying texture to guide you, but you can always glance at the UV view first to give you an idea.

    Select your shirt, create the shell, select the correct surface on the shell and apply your LIE image to that. Use the UV view to get a rough idea for location.

    The decal nodes are for Iray only, so as you are in 4.7 that's a no go.


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