Forum Images not displaying

I seem to be having a problem viewing image attachments on this forum. I can view signatures and avatars but image attachments don't load for some reason. Has anyone ever seen an issue like this before?

600 x 278 - 8K
I have and I just hit F5 (refresh) and all is well. :)
That's not worked for me. It's now got worse.It's not even displaying that much for me.
Are you using IE9?
hi anikad
you 're not alone to have this problem ... i've got it for almost two weeks ...
i try to use firefox, i9 and chrome and no image of the forum appear :red:, nothing change ...
i've got windows 7 64 bit ...
in firefox i've got the error
Erreur : Image corrupt or truncated:
Fichier Source :
Ligne : 0
i've got no problem with others site
Have you cleaned out your Cache recently.
The reason I asked about IE9 is that I have been having some serious issues lately. So I went and reset IE9 back to default, Yes I had to reset some of my plug-ins but after doing that all my issues went away.
thanks for for your help Szark
yes i try to clean cache, update every module and nothing change ...:red:
Another thing to try is a shift refresh Either Shift+browser refresh button, or Shift+Ctrl+R on the keyboard.
I'll try that when I get home. I can't work out why this suddenly started happening with image attachments. I'll try resetting firefox to the default to see if it resolves the issue. I tried clearing my cache but it made no difference. It seems to be affecting me with both firefox and ie, which implies there is something on my machine but I haven't changed anything. It's very strange.
Are you graphics card drivers up to date ?
ANother thought, are you one who rarely reboots, if so a computer reboot could help.
thanks for your help chocole
i'll do all of this and nothing change
i'can't even dowloand the picture
I've tried all the suggestions and it makes no difference.
I'm getting exactly the same problem. It started on Google Chrome a few days ago, so I switched to IE9, which was fine for a while. Then yesterday I started getting problems on IE9 too. I've cleared cache on both, no change. I do a roboot at least every day (have done an extra one today also) and still no change. DAZ Forums are the only place I have problems - no problems with the shop, nor other sites.
Szark, what do you mean by "reset IE9 to default"? How would I do that exactly?
I used the info here to reset IE9:
This is the only place I'm getting the problem as well.
Szark, what do you mean by "reset IE9 to default"? How would I do that exactly?
Easy While in IE9 Tools > Internet Options > Advanced and toward the bottom hit the Reset button. But as I said if you have any IE plug-ins then you will have to Enable them again manually.
Yep, done all of that now, but still getting the same problem.
The only thing Shift-Refresh does is (sometimes) give me a different colour-cast to the partial image that occasionally appears. I'm completely stumped now.
When I do get a partial image showing, if I right-click and save picture... I get an un-openable file on my PC. (If the partial image doesn't appear then the save option is greyed out)
Anyone got any more bright ideas? Please???
I was getting a problem earlier with the images taking forever to load, but the forums were running strangely as well, so I reset my router and that seems to have cured it. for me.
I'm on a mobile broadband dongle - it gets restarted every time I want to take a look at the internet (so about three or four times a day)
Oh well, perhaps the problem will just "go away" on it's own (like the problem with unformatted html appearing in the store a little while ago)
Yes I'm hoping the problem will go away the same way it came. I'm notice image attachments are loading slightly more this morning. It could be that the images are smaller but I'm now seeing at least a third of the image. Of course some of that third hasn't loaded properly.
this morning i saw at least a third of the image too ... hope i can't see them in the future
Well on Chrome I'm getting 1/3 of a picture, which then disappears again (the problem I originally had last week on Chrome). I'm still getting very little on IE9 though.
Same here. No problem at any of the other sites though, only at Daz.
It's sure beginning to sound like 'nanny' software or malware...
Just because other sites don't exhibit the same problem, doesn't mean that this is the only place it happens. If it is 'nannyware', it could be looking for a specific pattern or it could be an interaction with the particular version of software that runs the forums.
What firewalls are all of you with the problem running? Which add-ons/plugins for the various browsers?
If running FF or another browser that uses AdBlock (or one of its forks), check the filters. The same with NoScript. Especially if you use a subscribed filter set, as opposed to one you generated yourself (after the last ABP update, I lost the buttons on a forum I mod at...and I know I didn't create a filter for that).
I'm assuming most, if not all, are on Windows, because Internet Exploder is being mentioned a which case, malware is a definite possibility. So the usual advice...scan with a fully up to date AV and dedicated malware scanner (MalwareBytes AntiMalware...)
Does this theory explain why the same forum image appears differently?
I will run a check with my virus checker but that will take a while. I am using firefox but as I said the a similiar issue is appearing in ie. There are no "nannyware" plugins.
I an bringing this thread back to the front of the forum, to see if anyone can give us any updated information on this problem, which we can pass on.
Pictures are loading with a couple of pixel lines at the top - sometimes more, sometimes less. When I click on the image thumbnails I now get this error message: "The image “” cannot be displayed because it contains errors." (Firefox). Same thing happens in Chrome but without the error message.
I don't know if I can provide any solutions, but I can explain what I've been experiencing so those with a better understanding of these things can take a crack at it.
I access the forums from two different computers, my desktop and my laptop. I use my laptop at work, which is in the same building I live in, so I use the same internet conection for both. My desktop is connected directly to my router with an ethernet cable, but I use my laptop's wireless to access the router. The images appear fine on my desktop, but I have the same exact problem others are experiencing when I use my laptop.
Both computers are Windows 7 64 bit, I use Internet Explorer on both, and both are using Kaspersky Internet Security. The only difference is I upgraded my desktop to Kaspersky 2013, where the laptop still uses 2012. Tried clearing cache/cookies, etc., on the laptop and still get the problem. I have no idea what the problem really is, and honestly have been kind of hoping it would sort itself out like these things usually do. The DAZ forums are the only place I have this problem, and only on attached images on posts; avatars, signatures, and all the other images elsewhere on the site show up just fine.
Don't know if any of that helps, but I hope so!
Well they have just run some tests in the DAZ 3D offices and are unable to duplicate the issue, which makes it difficult for them to see what could be causing the problem.
Aha! I discover the route of my problem. Not sure about anyone else's. I have Kaspersky IS 2012. Apparently this issue has occured after one of the recent updates, around the time I started getting issues. Paused protection and was able to view load the images. I find this thread here:
It seems like I can either log it with tech support and wait until they come up with an answer or upgrade to 2013.
I'm upgrading to Kaspersky 2013 today - guess that's what it was then.