Announcing: Daz Deals Browser Add-on

So. I'm a Web Developer "by day" and a daz-a-holic by...well...too often.
Consequently, I've done some developing and built an WebExtension to help me (and now you!) shop. ^_^
v2.x - loads of new features!
- Chrome & Vivaldi & Brave:
- Firefox:
- new Edge:
- Opera: - often lags a bit behind the others due to their store/moderation process...sadly.
The Other Ones... (they don't do the standards...or cost $$ to publish for...)
- old Edge: ...stay tuned!...just takes some significant $$ to get in the door... Turns out old Edge extensions were a myth...and only for "partner" companies. >_< However! Microsoft has moved Edge to use Chromium (under the hood) which allowed us to use the regular ole' Chrome extension! See the "new Edge" item above--and make sure you're on the new Edge!
- Safari?! IE?! ...sadly these browsers use completely custom, non-standard extension systems and are consequently beyond my reach at this point. If it's super duper important to you, let me know...
Daz Deals improves the shopping experience at by providing:
- v2 sign-up for Email Notifications: Wishlist price changes, Fast Grab additions, new Promo images, "Best Price in X months," among others... ^_^
Cart (screenshot):
- shows percentage discounts on each product in your cart
- shows the grand total percentage discount above the checkout button
Bundle Pages (screenshot):
- "fades" any contained products already owned
- Price per unowned item is displayed above included products listing
- v2 hide product from listing (great for Starter Bundles when you own the Pro Bundle)
Product Pages (screenshot):
- v2 view Product History - shows PC+ pricing over a short or long time period (see options)
- v2 hide product from listing (don't own Vue? or Poser? You can hide those items now!)
- adds a "Product Library" button to owned products (next to the wishlist button)
- adds a "Read Me" link next to the SKU for the product
- v2 sign-up for email notification on price changes to your Wishlist (links to Options)
- v2 sync your wishlist with the email notification server
- adds monthly PC+ coupon filters (for quickly finding something to use those on)
Product Listings:
- adds monthly PC+ coupon filters (for quickly finding something to use those on)
Warning: this extension may make you shop and buy more often than you'd planned. 

I'll post here when there are updates and/or Chrome, Opera (etc) releases.

964 x 813 - 126K

574 x 426 - 36K

1275 x 365 - 738K

1280 x 800 - 282K
Post edited by Overdrawn on
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Thank you for this! So far I've tried it on bundles, and it seems to work fine. This is using an old Mac, by the way.
Add a link to the readme page for the product, and a special icon on the products on the grid shopping display for "Encrypted Daz Connect Only" products, and you'll have people (including me) clamouring for a version for their preferred browser (Chrome here....)
Pretty neat. Thank you :)
Great ideas!
That last one is going to be tricky, so it may end up being a little different.
I for one would like to add "required software" to the display / filtering somewhere--I'm only using Daz Studio atm.
Thanks for the input!
This is already much improved on the standard store and very welcome, but these two features would make it perfect (I'd add list release date on product store page but I don't want to ask for too much~)
Thank you so much for this.
I look forward to an Internet Explorer version. While I use firefox at home, I do most of my shopping at work where I'm stuck with IE.
I am SO sorry. T_T
What version?
The old ones have *very* different extension systems...
Love it and just loaded it thank you very much for sharing!
That sounds like a job for firefox portable!
Well, my wallet may end up hating you unless this saves me lots of money, but I am anxiously waiting for the Chrome version so I can try it out! :)
This sounds awesome! Is there a version for Chrome?
Yeah. Chrome has a few more hoops to jump through, but I hope to have that done this weekend. Stay tuned. ;)
Cool! I've bookmarked the thread. I look forward to it! :D
If by readme's we're talking about the page on, I'd love to see the product id click-able, going to that page. As for the install icons on the grid, I think we'd all be happy with just one icon... something that denotes Encrypted DAZ Connect. A bright yellow Asterisk would work for me. (Yellow for caution! lol)
This is a wonderful browser add-on, with so many features DAZ should have already incorporated into the site... and a few more. Thank you for putting the time into this. Big hugs!
Version 11.0.9600.18426
At least the Wishlistify script works fine.
These look like they will really be handy, thanks!
I started with the Wishlist. The Save6 PA Coupon link in the Wishlist doesn't seem to work right for me. It only shows me PC+ products. There should be a whole bunch of PA products shown, I believe.
That shadowing of products owned in bundles is GREAT!
Thanks for this, it's nifty! Now if you can do one that takes all PAs on sale in the various banner adds and stacks them for us to find the best deals, THAT would be awesome, LOL.
I feel like if someone did that Daz would immediately make sure no such sales could happen anymore.
Thank you very much for the Awesome FF plugin. :)
LOL, worth a shot though ;-)
Looks great! Any chance there will be one for Safari for iPad? That's how I do most of my shopping.
Works fine on Firefox on the laptop, no go on Firefox on my Android Phone. Not that I expect you to fix it since I'm using the beta version; just letting you know my experience with them.
I use Firefox (for Mac) on my computer and Safari on my iPad. It's way more relaxing to shop leisurely on an iPad, I sit at my computer enough! I wonder if Daz ever thought of doing a poll to see what devices people shop on, or is that something visible when they see our IP address?
It would be interesting to see. I am most comfortable at my PC. have a big L shaped desk, 2 27 inch monitors and a big leather office chair. I even watch TV and movies here with my feet up, drives my GF crazy, LOL
Ohh this sounds like a very useful extension. I don't use Firefox much so I'll have to wait for either a Chrome or an Opera extension (I mostly use Opera these days.)
bookmarking this to see when Chrome is available.
this looks INSANELY brilliant!!!!
I may have to install Firefox just for this. It sounds very useful! :)
Got this message when I tried to install it: