Using 'V3 and M3 Shapes for Genesis'

Can anyone tell me hoe to use this product?
The description says: The hugely popular Victoria 3 and Michael 3 shapes are now available on Genesis! You get Victoria 3 and Michael 3 body and head shapes as well as the clone shapes that allow you to "auto-fit" your existing Victoria 3 and Michael 3 wardrobes to Genesis.
I installed accepting all defaults and indeed I get dials to shape Genesis into a figure that looks like V3, but displaced, see image.
When I conform V3 clothing to so-formed Genesis there is massive poke-trough and offset.
I presume I do something wrong, but I have no idea what that is.

811 x 772 - 320K
Post edited by iambagoas_c087cfac24 on
In Poser you cannot use V3 clothing to a genesis figure (not even one with V3 morphs)
You need to use DS4.5.1.6 to load the V3 clothing on Genesis and then save this clothing as a "wearable preset" and then create a Poser Companion file for it
DS4.5.1.6 has an autofit tool which converts the V3 clothing to a genesis figure automatically when you fit it to the genesis figure. Poser does not have this tool
OK need to convert in DS for the autofit, understood.
But why does a V3 preset for Genesis not pose and shape Genesis as V3?
You need to add the V3 morph as well as the preset. So do the preset and then manually set V3 to 1
OK got it that far! Genesis now appears with V3 shape in my Runtime!
I followied large an by the method described here.
Now if I use the method for clothing, I get a 'wearable preset' in DS, can create ' Poser Companion Files' all right, but when I load these in Poser, nothing appears. The figure is there, rigging is there, with the typical Abdomen and abdomen2, but somehow the geometry does not show up.
The generated .cr2 has no reference to geometry.
What do I do wrong here?
That is not easy to say without knowing exactly how you have everything installed (which folders, which folders are attached to Poser, which locations you saved to, which locations you originally installed to, etc)
The main thing you need to understand is that the clothing (usually) consists of 3 parts: the DSF (or DSA), the DUF and the PCF (poser companion file).
When you saved the autofitted cloth in DS you loaded it from a location - was that the Poser runtime or a DS folder? You then saved the DUF to a location - default is in the DS4 library - NOT the poser library. Then you created the PCF in the Poser library (I assume, since you can see it)
Now if you load the converted clothing in Poser, all 3 must be within a Poser runtime. If you save the DUF to DS4 and you do NOT have the DS4 as a runtime, the PCF will not find the DUF and nothing happens.
So either load from Poser and save to a Poser runtime (DUF and PCF) - OR- add DS4 as an external runtime. To do that you may need add a runtime structure in DS4 to be able the add it as a runtime
I hope you understand the principle. Once you understand it and have set it up properly, it goes smoothly afterwards with other clothing
Thank you for your coninued assistance.
Let me explain the runtime structure.
I have all DS4 content concentrated in an external runtime named DSON. This runtime is in the Poser library tree.
The base item was an old-style .cr2, (the V3Tunic) loaded into DS4 from an external Poser Runtime known to DS4.
The 'wearable preset' is located in:
E:\Poser Runtimes\poserstuff\DSON\Presets\Wearables
The result of the creation of the Poser Companion files is found in:
E:\Poser Runtimes\poserstuff\DSON\Runtime\libraries\Character\DSON Conversions
The Genesis-to-V3 figure (which loads correctly) is found just around the corner:
E:\Poser Runtimes\poserstuff\DSON\Runtime\libraries\Character\V3G
You are missing one thing for which I am party to blame (apart from DAZ who created the thing)
The DUF file refers to a geometry file which is also created when you save the DUF. This file is located in the DS structure. I (wrongly) assumed you could change that too in the save dialog, but that is not true. It will always be created in the DS folder structure. I have not been able to find a way around that.
So the DUF file is in the poser genesis runtime (where you saved it), but the DSF file is put into a folder called auto_adapted which is located somewhere in the data folder in the DS4 runtime either in :data or in My Library:data.
Now you can do 2 things: Either move/copy that auto_adapted folder in the data folder in your poser genesis folder (using the same path structure) or add ds4 as a runtime. The last option is only to find the geometry files of the converted clothing
I ended up attaching the DS4 folder as a runtime to avoid copying. I don't use I any further, the runtime folder is empty
I am afraid this is going to be a huge mess in the future
I found the data insubfolders of:
C:\Documents and Settings\MijnNaam\My Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\auto_adapted
When I copy this folder into:
E:\Poser Runtimes\poserstuff\DSON\data
the tunic shows up in Poser!! It even conforms to Genesis!!
LIke you I do not like copying, so I tried to fool DSON by replacing the deep copy of the folder with a shortcut. No avail!
at wit's end addded an empty folder named Runtime in
C:\Documents and Settings\MijnNaam\My Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library and told Poser this is an external runtime.
From there on, the process works, provided the intermediate .dsf's are saved in (and remain in) 'MyLibrary' !
Many thanks for helping me out in this! And, yes, this is going to be a real mess in the future.
Yes, adding an empty folder called runtime makes Poser accept any folder as a runtime
It took me also a bit of work to figure things out, so you are not alone.
There is one advantage - you can move around the CR2 files and folders as you wish. These files contain no references to Poser locations, only to the DSF location in the duf file. So from the Poser side you can create a very clean, logical and name consistent structure.. In Poser you have always the chance that a cr2 references an object or pmd file directly
One other tip - if you save a figure or clothing to the library, the filesizes can get pretty big. It takes all the morphs which are applied with it when saved to the library (genesis with morphs is pretty big). I have set external binaries to ON which makes the files a lot smaller. But the whole thing does take up a lot of memory,
One other thing: If you turn on external binaries (in the General Preferences in Edit Menu), you might once a while get a PMD error. Don't be alarmed, this is apparently a warning message and does not seem to cause any harm. I have contacted SM about it, and they are now aware, but as I said, it does not seem to corrupt anything. Just letting you know