how do you parent items again?

I am trying to get a chain manacle to go around V4's right wrist so it stays locked on her wrist so when her hand moves it moves with her but I don't really know how to do this. Can someone give me an example perhaps of fixing or parenting (?) something onto someone

I know I did this before but its been some years since then and I forget the procedure.

Anyone help here?


  • Are you wanting to parent the item itself, so it moves as a unit (right-click and change parent, or drag and drop in the Scene pane) or are you wanting to have the chains attached in two palces, so moving the hand causes the chain to flex? The latter, parentable IK targets, isn't supported in DS though Casual has some free scripts that should help.

  • DrekkanDrekkan Posts: 458
    edited August 2016

    K it doesn't appear to parent to either of her hands. I right click the manacle (pic 1) and select the highlighted one shown in pic then double click on her rhand from the 'change parent' list and nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

    1280 x 1024 - 389K
    parent 2.jpg
    1280 x 1024 - 348K
    Post edited by Drekkan on
  • FlipmodeFlipmode Posts: 890

    Did you try to simply drag&drop the item in the scene list? I usually just drag stuff onto the figure`s bone, in your case e.g. on the lower arm.
    If the item has joints make sure to work with the item itself, not it`s joints.

  • DrekkanDrekkan Posts: 458
    Flipmode said:

    Did you try to simply drag&drop the item in the scene list? I usually just drag stuff onto the figure`s bone, in your case e.g. on the lower arm.
    If the item has joints make sure to work with the item itself, not it`s joints.

    Yeh but it still doesn't work. It is the item as a whole I am selecting and not just a joint also.

  • What are you expecting to happen? If you want to have the item snap to the thing you are parenting it to you need to have Parent in Place unchecked (at the bottom of the dialogue, currently checked).

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,652

    Based on the images you are showing, try to uncheck the "parent in place" option or it will stay in the place/location you parented it in

  • DrekkanDrekkan Posts: 458

    Ok I gottit. Thankyou guys.

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