I want to purchase individual poses


Wouldn’t it be great if we could purchase a single pose we were looking for? Currently, I have to go throughout all the pose packs and hunt for a particular pose I might want in one of those packs. It’s useless, and I never find a pose I really want. I think it would be better if we could search for poses individually and purchase exactly the ones we want. For instance, I could search for “crouch” or “sit” and it locates all of those poses under that category, and then I can purchase them.  I know I can search for poses like that after I’ve purchased several pose packs and I might find something I’m looking for, but that doesn’t work nearly as well as searching a huge database of available poses. Just a though and wish. 


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,652

    It's an interesting idea, don't know how feasible it would be. I look at some poses and think what the h.... were they thinking, LOL. How many times have you loaded a pose that looked like what you needed from the small thumb, only to realize you have to tweak it because it wasn't quite what you wanted, or looked different/odd/off because of the morphs you used? I can see the same thing happening if they sold single poses. The only pose set I can think off recently that I haven't had to alter much at all is the DM Sheerclass set

    I have a few bought pose packs and they were all used as a base for what I needed and then I saved the final out for later use. It's funny I was looking for a specific pose for a scene I am working on (sci fi kneeling with a big gun pose). I had a very specific idea of what it should look like, went thru all my pose folders till I found a glamour kneeling pose, which was perfect for the bottom half. Then went searching for the upper part and finally found it in an old genesis 1 pose pack, LOL

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,570

    I could use poses especially hand poses for specific guns. Genesis 3 has super fiddley hands and I spend a lot of time shifting fingers so they are on the triggers and gripping weapons properly. I have  a lot of guns especially for those older sets which could use this. Hand poses for older figures rarely work well in my opinion.

    There are a couple poses I would pay for. I really like lifting, pushing, throwing poses. (Think hulk lifting a car). 

    Also would like medic and such poses.

    i really can't use any more pinup girl or guy flexing poses. I have too many.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    While that would be useful, it would also be incredibly hard to do.  I have been attempting to do something very similar when categorizing the extreme number of poses I have in my content library, and while at first it seemed easy (standing, sitting, etc.), it quickly became obvious that there were basically an infinite number of possible ways to categorize many of them, and what I'm looking for can't be easily classified.  For example perhaps a standing pose is a figure holding a sword.  Maybe that should be in combat, not standing?  Or both?  but if I'm going to have a figure hold an umbrella, or grasp a railing, that might be the same pose as the sword holding pose.  Then is this pose a figure flying, or a figure falling, or both?  at what point does a crouch become a kneel?  Maybe I need the upper half of the body pose but not the lower half, so it doesn't matter if the figure is standing, kneeling, running, or flying, because I'm trying to categorize a figure holding or reaching for an object.  It all just breaks down, and I end up just picking a few things that help reduce the huge pile of poses into managable chunks, but in the end I'm still looking in the "combat" folder for reaching poses, and the flying folder for falling poses, and the sitting folder for "holding a cup of tea" poses, and so on, which might not work out well as a storefront for you even if it helps me a bit, and the other way around.

    Not saying it's a bad idea, just saying it might be a huge challenge to implement.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,570
    edited July 2016

    I categorize my poses loosely.

    I have weapons poses, whcih I breakdown by type: gun, staff, etc.

    I also have pose thems: Romance, Couples, Suffering, Sci-Fi, Etc. 

    And then poses by generation in broad categories.

    Even with the pose converter, though, I find some poses don't look well with genesis 3. So the utility of including all these old poses is sort of lost to me now. I don't really use gen 4 characters, or their poses except if I can convert them to the newest figures.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,159
    edited July 2016

    Leaving aside the categorizing nightmare, being able to purchase individual poses from pose sets would mean setting up a product for each pose in every pose set and transforming the set into a bundle. Most poses sets contain at least 15-20 poses, and I'm not even talking about big pose sets like ironman13's which also include partial poses. So we're talking about tons of products to setup, package and maintain just for one single set, and each of those products would sell for something like a few dozen cents that would need to be shared between DAZ and the PA...

    Nope, sorry, can't see that happening. From a business point of view it's not cost-effective at all.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • nelsonsmithnelsonsmith Posts: 1,328

    A more feasible idea woud simply be to have the ability to  "hide" the poses from a set that you never used.  Having to scroll through unnecessary poses to find the one I need is much more of a nuisance to me.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,652

    A more feasible idea woud simply be to have the ability to  "hide" the poses from a set that you never used.  Having to scroll through unnecessary poses to find the one I need is much more of a nuisance to me.

    Isn't that how it works, you look till you find the one you want, LOL. Don't know about you, but I constantly need different poses for different scenes and while it can be a pain scrolling thru them all to find the one I need, I would hate to have some hidden and not see it next time I am looking for one. You could always delete the ones you don't think you'll ever use. When I am lacking inspiration I will sometimes go thru poses and see what works and what doesn't, even edit some and then save them to my folders for later use.

  • A more feasible idea woud simply be to have the ability to  "hide" the poses from a set that you never used.  Having to scroll through unnecessary poses to find the one I need is much more of a nuisance to me.

    Isn't that how it works, you look till you find the one you want, LOL. Don't know about you, but I constantly need different poses for different scenes and while it can be a pain scrolling thru them all to find the one I need, I would hate to have some hidden and not see it next time I am looking for one. You could always delete the ones you don't think you'll ever use. When I am lacking inspiration I will sometimes go thru poses and see what works and what doesn't, even edit some and then save them to my folders for later use.

    True, and never, ever discount the possibility of using a male pose on a female, or visa versa. Not saying that you'll always find useful poses that way, but you never know.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    sriesch said:

    While that would be useful, it would also be incredibly hard to do.  I have been attempting to do something very similar when categorizing the extreme number of poses I have in my content library, and while at first it seemed easy (standing, sitting, etc.), it quickly became obvious that there were basically an infinite number of possible ways to categorize many of them, and what I'm looking for can't be easily classified.  For example perhaps a standing pose is a figure holding a sword.  Maybe that should be in combat, not standing?  Or both?  but if I'm going to have a figure hold an umbrella, or grasp a railing, that might be the same pose as the sword holding pose.  Then is this pose a figure flying, or a figure falling, or both?  at what point does a crouch become a kneel?  Maybe I need the upper half of the body pose but not the lower half, so it doesn't matter if the figure is standing, kneeling, running, or flying, because I'm trying to categorize a figure holding or reaching for an object.  It all just breaks down, and I end up just picking a few things that help reduce the huge pile of poses into managable chunks, but in the end I'm still looking in the "combat" folder for reaching poses, and the flying folder for falling poses, and the sitting folder for "holding a cup of tea" poses, and so on, which might not work out well as a storefront for you even if it helps me a bit, and the other way around.

    Not saying it's a bad idea, just saying it might be a huge challenge to implement.

    Yeah, they'd have to go by tags instead of categories at that point. Poses could have multiple tags (standing, swing sword, jumping, falling, etc.) so could show up in different searches depending on what the purchaser/user was looking for.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,881

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could purchase a single pose we were looking for?


    $5 per pose


  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,775

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could purchase a single pose we were looking for?

    In that case it might be easier to create it yourself. E.g. using tools like Pose Builder:


  • MaxHancockMaxHancock Posts: 226

    I was thinking that DAZ 3D would set this up as a different tab under the applicaiton, and individual pose purchase can only be made in the application.  


    The way I see it working is that DAZ would set up a new archive of all individual full body poses from existing pose sets. You use a separate pose tab that allows you to select poses by region and then search via keywords. You can purchase the individual poses, or see and purchase the full set. Venders that opt in, get a cut for each purchase. Individual poses would cost $.99 cents, or the increment of what the full set cost. 


    I’ve seen other stores with similar systems. Like iTunes… song vs. full album. Anything that makes it more convenient for the artist, and saves time makes the overall user experience better, and thus makes DAZ way better than the competition. I do agree that it would be hard to categorize poses, but it’s not impossible. For some poses there are already appropriate keywords associated with a pose. 


    I also agree there are way too many random useless pinup sexy poses. We need more character based action/reaction poses.

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