Extrusion of plaster/gore/slime spatter on skin

Hi! I would like to create, well, exactly what the title says. Not a flat texture overlay, instead something with volume. Situational example in a comic: a monster spits a spray of gooey

venom on a space explorer. Guy falls in a seizure on the ground, Close-up to the guy's face: he's got gobs of goo congealed all over his face. It'll be thicker in some parts than others. 

The point of impact comes to mind. Can this be achieved with a geo shell and surface maps and settings in iRay?

Similar question with another case: A guy sticks his bare arm into a pond and fishes out an artefact (key, holy talisman, bag of Maltesers, your pick). His arm will be wet from the tip of

his fingers to just below his shoulder. Can I give a shine to just that part, with an irregular end of section close to the shoulder as opposed to a straight line? 

I know this is a bit much but I am a sucker for details.



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