Google's new cloud platform Zync aims to cut rendering bottlenecks
I am very interested in what more knowledgeable users think of this new cloud based
rendering system from Google.
Since Nuke for non-commercial use is now free, is this a viable rendering solution for Daz or other 3d programs?
Post edited by artd3D on
The link goes to a "Page not found" error.
just corrected the link
This is a pretty old story, but it's still an interesting one. They need to (and haven't yet) explicitly support Iray and its Iray Bridge feature. This is presumably what the D|S "Cloud" function is set up to do. It permits the transport of the scene database.
Their pricing is good -- less than a dollar per machine hour, with low monthly minimums. Render farms are primarily set for animation, so if you're doing single-frame compositions, even big ones don't cost much.
There are a few render farms that support Iray. I haven't yet used any of them. Some cater to the per-job clients, typical of game animation and Hollywood, where you don't need a renderer every day. A short list is here:
These people are technological partners with nVidia, and also provide an Iray rendering service. Their prices are higher than Google, however.
For years, Amazon has supported Iray renders, but I have no idea how to even contact them for more information. They're too busy flying your packages to you via drone.
Free Nuke cloud rendering? Got a link to this service?
Nuke is a compositor, not (principally, at least) a renderer. The rendering is usually done in another application.
Boy, did I read/understood that wrong.