The Dark Corner of the Dungeon Product - *SOLVED*

pfunkyfizepfunkyfize Posts: 491

Sanity check...

Does anyone here have this product and notice that they can't select the 'Grate' material over the pit to change its properties?

I opened the PP2 in a text editor and saw that a material for 'grate' exists but I don't see it in the Surfaces tab for the prop. This is the surface detailed in the PP2 file:

	material grate
		KdColor 0.980392 0.980392 0.980392 1 
		KaColor 0 0 0 1 
		KsColor 0.839216 0.839216 0.839216 1 
		TextureColor 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 
		NsExponent 10 
		tMin 0 
		tMax 0 
		tExpo 0 
		bumpStrength 1 
		ksIgnoreTexture 0 
		reflectThruLights 0 
		reflectThruKd 0 
		textureMap ":Stonemason:Dungeon:DDS_Iron.jpg"
 				0 0 
		bumpMap ":Stonemason:Dungeon:DDS_IronBUM.jpg"
 				0 0 
		reflectionMap NO_MAP
		transparencyMap NO_MAP
		ReflectionColor 1 1 1 0 
		reflectionStrength 1 

Anybody have a workaround to get the surface to show up? I tried the geometry editor too and it doesn't seem selectable-

Post edited by pfunkyfize on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 103,042

    Is the node itself selectable?

  • pfunkyfizepfunkyfize Posts: 491
    edited June 2017

    Is the node itself selectable?

    Unfortunately no - the node isn't selectable with the geometry editor either...

    The node tree doesn't go deep at all in the scene tab.

    Post edited by pfunkyfize on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 103,042

    Not with the Geometry Editor, just as a node. I just installed this from Connect (to make sure I have the latest version) and it is possible to select the Grate, which is a separate prop (so it can open). By default, if it isn't seelcted it won't appear in the Surfaces pane so you have to select the node first, then go to surfaces (or use the Node Seelction tol to select the grate mesh and its surface). You can use the Surface pane option menu (lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) to change which surfaces are shown - selected item only, Selected Item and anything fitted to them, or all items.

  • pfunkyfizepfunkyfize Posts: 491

    Oh nevermind!

    There IS a grate node! Thanks!

    Consider this solved -

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