make whip scar on G3'S butt

Sorry to bother you guys ~
I want to add some whip scar on G3's butt ,
is there any way to make it , geometry shell ? Is there any article to talk about this function in DAZ ...?
I know there is a scar product in DAZ shop, but it's so bloody to me ,I want the whip scar more gently ,haha
BTW, where can I change viewport's background in DAZ , I can't find it ,not enviroment for HDR lighting .
Thanks for help :)
The non-rendering background colour is set in Window>Style>Customise Colours, it's the last entry.
but at present, it's window>style>costomize style
and they are all colors ,not any "browse" option button there , I want to add a picture as background image
Bruh... poor G3,
In all seriousness though, are you familiar with photoshop? There's no need for fancy geoshells etc, just a bit of layering on the diffuse map would do the trick. Possibly some corresponding bump information depending on your proximity to said "butt". Personally, if i were to add scars or bruising, i would find a source image on google, feather it onto the diffuse map, adjust curves to fit skin tone and tada!
As for the background, i assume you're using 3dl? Cant you just slip a background behind the png in post? Otherwise i imagine you'd have to use a textured plane.
If you're talking about adding a background image that will render, it's in Window>Panes>Environment
thank you ! that's it !
I really should learn every pane , I thought all function are in list then .
uh...photoshop , maybe less than familiar ,but more than recognizing ,I'm trying on it.
I know a little about layer , pen tools , would you please explain a bit about "corresponding bump information"?
Bump maps fake depth and surface detail, like goosebumps etc. They are black and white, and should be included with the skin you're using. Import your skins bump map from the same textures folder, and place it on a layer above the diffuse map but below your scar texture. Now change the scar texture to grayscale and you should have some more surface information.
That's very kind of you !
I'm a little confused .
which image shoule I bring into PS and make scar on it , and finally replace it back ? the bump ? or the diffuse ? or them both ?
Probably both - the diffuse for the colour, the bump for the relief.
There is going to be no relief for G3 :( Poor G3!
As Richard said, diffuse for colour and then bump for...bumpiness. Colour is king at the moment though, layer a scar onto the diffuse map and see where it sits on the actual model. I believe the area you are looking for is the bottom left/right hand corner of the torso uv map. Once the diffuse looks about right, bring in the characters bump map and copy the scar layer above it. Then a simple greyscale adjustment should give you a decent result.
I'm so sorry for replying so late !
I've been unable to login DAZ forum for 2 month ! so despair !
My friend linked to my PC and try something else , after that I found I can login DAZ , so I came here to reply as soon as possible !
thank you !!
here is the scar effect I made
(Image removed due to nudity. Please read the guidelines here: )