Genesis Female Genitalia

The Genesis Female Genitalia was included in my DSON reset files but it does not seem to even show up in my Poser runtime after installing it. I got only one file. No DSON file for it and no Poser file for it. Does anyone have any idea what is up with this?
Thanks for any help.
The DSON updates for the Genitalia were accidentally left out of the bundles -- they are working on updating the bundles. If you are able to run DS you can update the files and generate the Poser Companion Files yourself; otherwise you'll have to wait for the updates.
Thank you for the information on this.
It seems certain updates were left out for a LOT of the DSON products.
Tori's Face textures go to the wrong place regardless of what directory is chosen. Gabi and Tori BOTH render white. The Toll's lion cloth will not conform nor does there seem to be a dial to fit it to him. Elven Hair for Genesis goes who knows where when installed Can't find anything but an empty folder for it.
I have a NUMBER of help tickets submitted.
Wish DAZ had tested things and wait until most bugs were fixed before the release. Would have saved their customers and lot of frustration AND their techs a lot of trouble.
I don't have the other products, but the Troll Loincloth conforms for me. How are you trying to conform it?
I am doing it the same as always in Poser. Load the item and conform it to Genesis. Some items work, most do not. I don't even get any morphs to make it fit.
Go to the Dson tab at the top of the page under scripts- there is an option to transfer active morphs-that should do the trick
quote author="MrEstey" date="1350393738"]I am doing it the same as always in Poser. Load the item and conform it to Genesis. Some items work, most do not. I don't even get any morphs to make it fit.
How do you do this? I have tried saving them as duf files, but nothing seems to show up in Poser.
How do you do this? I have tried saving them as duf files, but nothing seems to show up in Poser.
After you save them as .duf files you need to create Poser Companion Files:
Since this topic seems spread amongst forums- I'll post here too. The female gens for Poser-have no textures-no mat files-and nothing that is applied shows up except on the part of the figure that you would call the lower stomach. Neutral grey is not natural btw. :-)