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Welcome! Hope you can make some time to participate too.
Okay, back to boxes and cylinders and spheres!
Start number ... no, wait, mustn't count lol ... let's just say I think I have a slight 3d vision impairment problem.
Okay, so everybody's off downloading at or shopping 'til they drop!
btw - as I'm the OP, I'm not considering my work as an entry. Using it more to show a few modeling "how to"s for the beginners who are hopefully all dreaming of the day they can make one of these in, what did she, 10 minutes! hehehe ... right.
Images show joining 2 groups, welding, etc.
If there's a short way and a long way to make something, I invariably find the long way. However me and that wild extraction tool don't see eye-to-eye so this is another way to get limbs on an animal.
And here's a few more for today's tips.
Here's mine - like I said, I don't do realistic.;-)
Not too happy about how the front legs turned out. Will have to do some more separation of the shoulder from the body to get a decent deformation there.
Here are a couple more links for references: - several measurement references including for the front. - n.b. the top view for the "pear shaped" figure.
Realistic or Cartoon types are welcome.
Okay Roygee, you're the winner! Thank you for participating.
I'm offline for a few days, hope everybody has a good weekend and if you're living in the storm regions, well, good luck.
Thank you :) This reminds me of a small town in my country which is famous for the time they had a beauty pageant and no-one won!
My entry is B...awful!
Latest track has it going right over my house. Yes, seriously. The last track had it coming up delaware bay which was even worse, since that would have but me just north of the "eye" (however poorly formed) which is the worst place to be on the east coast.
Unfortunately, my house is a mobile home in a retirement community.
In over 20 years here only twice have I encountered winds that shook the place so bad that I started getting seriously nervous.
But I've never been in the direct path of a hurricane in my life. I'm a bit...ummm..."apprehensive".
Latest track has it going right over my house. Yes, seriously. The last track had it coming up delaware bay which was even worse, since that would have but me just north of the "eye" (however poorly formed) which is the worst place to be on the east coast.
Unfortunately, my house is a mobile home in a retirement community.
In over 20 years here only twice have I encountered winds that shook the place so bad that I started getting seriously nervous.
But I've never been in the direct path of a hurricane in my life. I'm a bit...ummm..."apprehensive".
I didn't get the notification for the reply ... so apologies for the late reply.
Are you okay?
Heheh...this is like stories you hear about every once in awhile where some guy gets a letter delivered that was posted decades earlier. :)
But I thank you for your concern, and I made it through completely unscathed.
Sandy lost a lot of steam making landfall, but utterly destroyed the jersey shore in doing so.
Winds in my area never gusted much more than about 50mph or so and never reached the levels that were predicted. Only twice in over 25 years here have I been through storms with windgusts that shook my place so hard that my stomach tightened with genuine fear. They were around 70-80mph which was lower than the weather service's 80-120mph potential predicted for sandy.
Some time before midnight the "center of rotation" passed about 5-15 miles south of me and after that the winds dropped off to little more than a stiff breeze for the remainder of the storm. I lost power but to my great surprise it was restored within 4 hours!
There were pockets of heavy damage all around me for a radius of about 100 miles, and some areas lost power so badly that final restorations are finally expected today or tomorrow.
But the shore...
...the entire jersey shore north of atlantic city to new york was ripped to shreds. Some of the country's most famous amusement piers and swimming beaches are GONE all along its length. The damage is almost incomprehensible. The beaches will probably be restored by dredging sand back in (a process called "replenishment" that is done routinely every 5-10 yrs in some areas, but the scale needed to replenish the severe erosion and loss to all the beaches in sandy's wake will be nothing short of gargantuan), but there is property damage that I can't believe will ever be completely restored.
Not to sound trite, but I fully understand I "dodged" the proverbial bullet, and when I see the shore I even get a sense of "survivor's guilt" for getting away scot-free.
On a side note, let me say that politically I'm a left-leaning liberal democrat. But so help me, I would vote Christie "governor for life" if I had the chance. That man bellied up and had reparations in high gear and rolling before the wind and rain even died down, and was calling the shots from the battlefront, not from the governor's mansion.
And with that I'll bring my tome to a close, and thank you and others who were concerned for me. I survived!! :)
Heheh...this is like stories you hear about every once in awhile where some guy gets a letter delivered that was posted decades earlier. :)
But I thank you for your concern, and I made it through completely unscathed.
Sandy lost a lot of steam making landfall, but utterly destroyed the jersey shore in doing so.
Winds in my area never gusted much more than about 50mph or so and never reached the levels that were predicted. Only twice in over 25 years here have I been through storms with windgusts that shook my place so hard that my stomach tightened with genuine fear. They were around 70-80mph which was lower than the weather service's 80-120mph potential predicted for sandy.
Some time before midnight the "center of rotation" passed about 5-15 miles south of me and after that the winds dropped off to little more than a stiff breeze for the remainder of the storm. I lost power but to my great surprise it was restored within 4 hours!
There were pockets of heavy damage all around me for a radius of about 100 miles, and some areas lost power so badly that final restorations are finally expected today or tomorrow.
But the shore...
...the entire jersey shore north of atlantic city to new york was ripped to shreds. Some of the country's most famous amusement piers and swimming beaches are GONE all along its length. The damage is almost incomprehensible. The beaches will probably be restored by dredging sand back in (a process called "replenishment" that is done routinely every 5-10 yrs in some areas, but the scale needed to replenish the severe erosion and loss to all the beaches in sandy's wake will be nothing short of gargantuan), but there is property damage that I can't believe will ever be completely restored.
Not to sound trite, but I fully understand I "dodged" the proverbial bullet, and when I see the shore I even get a sense of "survivor's guilt" for getting away scot-free.
On a side note, let me say that politically I'm a left-leaning liberal democrat. But so help me, I would vote Christie "governor for life" if I had the chance. That man bellied up and had reparations in high gear and rolling before the wind and rain even died down, and was calling the shots from the battlefront, not from the governor's mansion.
And with that I'll bring my tome to a close, and thank you and others who were concerned for me. I survived!! :)
Yah!!! Good to hear from you.
not Hexagon but I did a silly one in Carrara from one of those pictures
rigged in Carrara rendered in iClone5
Cute :-) Thanks for sharing the image.
Awwwww, somebody give that dawg a bouncy ball to play with. May I pet your dog, Wendy?
yes but he bites!
crappy Daz studio rigging attempt so far
I took 5 mins in Carrara this several hours later still not working needs weight painting
I highly recommend this guide which was created during the days of D/S4.0 so there may be a few UI changes.
I got about 1/2 way through one quad figure and decided I like legacy rigging for some projects lol ... however the previous releases of D/S4.x tended towards breaking about the mesh. 4.6.1.x worked better, haven't checked the beta yet but hopefully they keep up the 'work better' trend.
yes I have it and sort of followed it
but need to do a LOT more work, I am so used to carrara where it would take me 5mins
old dog new tricks!!!
5 minutes in D/S would be a miracle!
put what I have now so far on sharecg so others can play with him
Most generous, thank you very much.
I updated it, sorry my folder structure sucks
trying to get a workable set up
Jaderail is trying to help me but my Daz Studio experience is very infrequent, I can save stuff in Poser format!! (just not make it)
I don't know whether to thank you or curse. Last night I swore off of picking up any more freebies from SCG. Now I'm the proud owner of Gossett who will probably turn out to be gassy.