export scale

TemairTemair Posts: 89
edited December 1969 in Hexagon Discussion

Ok have forgotten the export scales
I have made a dress modelled on v4.2 and imported v4.2 at 500.00 what would be the export scale be for the dress as have forgotten




  • edited December 1969

    Ok have forgotten the export scales
    I have made a dress modelled on v4.2 and imported v4.2 at 500.00 what would be the export scale be for the dress as have forgotten

    Export scales are always the inverse of import scales (and vice versa)

    The inverse of any number "x" is simply "1" divided by "x": 1/x

    So if you imported at 500, its inverse is 1/500 = .002

    As I said, "vice versa" is also true, and 1/.002 = 500

  • TemairTemair Posts: 89
    edited December 1969

    Thanks now figures always confuse me so am glad that you put the .002 there


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