Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 7
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Will show you another view of Jolina, and then one with the plainer makeup. She's very versatile.
So much for trying to get through a bunch of renders quickly LOL. I couldn't figure out where a glaring light was coming from, took me a bit to test the setup as I am using two of the settings from the Painter's Lights. Where they were overlapping was the problem, as I figured, but had to turn off all the lights then remember where they were hitting, and test different combos. Ugh.
Jolina has wonderful teeth. I'm watching this as it comes in. (the without makeup one. You'll love her.)
Okay, these have ZERO postwork. So remember the skin tone may be more red or yellow based on the lights. (I have been tweaking Saturation and light/dark.) From vixen to no makeup.
Really like the teeth. BTW, remember to try the Viseme sliders in posing under Parameters. Parameters>Pose Control>Head>Viseme I don't buy expressions anymore, ever. They just never look the same as the icons, are generally stiffer than what I like, and I just haven't really used them without tweaking with the Visemes.
Pretty hair from the side, and I love her profile.
For this lip expression, in Expressions it's Happy 56.2%, Imogen Sexy Lips 71% (try that one, you'll be surprised!) Then In Viseme, this is a fun combo- EE is 14.2%, EH is 35.5%, and ER is 2.4%. And they're all right there together! That mouth looks very relaxed IMO, like she may be getting ready to speak.
Here she is, with dramatic makeup. Went with the darkest lipstick and eyeliner.
Our more natural girl is looking good! I'm going to do a render now with less dark/thick eyelashes and take her down another notch.
Here's our all natural gal, regular eyelashes and no makeup.
I recommend Iray Light Manager Pro to simplify debugging your lighting.
Huh, I have that. I'll take a look. I've got this setup to where I like it, but this week I'll definitely putz with it. Thanks!!!
Okay - the prices are still changing. Without giving specifics, as they may change again, someone shared what they paid just a few minutes ago, (I'm tracking things I bought or tested.) The Bast Bundle (G3) is apparently 40 cents cheaper (an hour ago), the Gothic Lolita textures are 45 cents cheaper, the Sexy SkinZ Lace Bodysuit is 41 cents more expensive. What the heck is going on with this store???? At midnight, these things shouldn't be fluctuating! (Store changes in an hour if it's going to.) We both had purchased the same cheapie item to get discounts, it wasn't planned- rather funny.
hmmm the Sunny 7 stuff must have just come off new status as they are showing in the DAZ Originals "40% off or 50% with purchase". Oddly enough all the other DO's are showing at 65% cos just about all the PA's are back on sale too, but not showing for Sunny stuff.
Alfhild for Rune 7 (Shown on G3F) Riverwillow (Gen3F) Gumshoe Girl Poses (Izabella) Miho Hair
This is shown on Genesis 3 Female, I do not own Rune.
The bangs can be rounded, length changed, it can be uneven edges- so I was pleasantly surprised at the variety. I did a 16 for smoothing and couldn't get the sharply divided sections to look softer, so this is as good as I could get it.
Notice her nice teeth- look very natural.
The running pose is Capsces Fun and Flirty (Victoria 7)
And look how different she looks with Kara Hair and her dark makeup. Like a totally different person! The Kara Hair promos don't really tell the story. There are SO many morphs, wishlist it! You can change the poofiness of the sides, top, even at the front hairline. It addresses the shoulder, chest, neck! Be sure and take a look at all of them on the product page. Really like it!
Wearing Esther Shirt. If I ever use it for a keepable render, I'll put something under it to make it family friendly. Got it in the $7 Girl 7 Bundle..
I REALLY like Kara Hair. I just "deflated" the back, lowered the top at the back of the head, moved it out, decreased the messiness. It's fun! Look at the excellent "fit" to the shirt and curves of the shoulder to the back and front. It's interesting how that over the shoulder strand goes in front of the hair section coming down, but it stays out of the way (no weird intersecting) and I rather like hair that's out of the norm.
It's not perfect, some of the ends could use a touch up here and there, but there's very few that I don't tweak that way.
I bet it will go 65% in an hour or so. It's probably just another glitch. Poor Sunny, everyone's out of munny. (couldn't resist.)
DA Jousting Ground Darkshade Outfit (Gen3F) Shanda Hair (Gen3F) FWSA Vanessa Dark Spell Poses
The last one shows Vanessa without makeup. I applied the UberBase to everything on the Jousting Ground set, increased the bump on the dirt ground. Didn't really take a lot of time to tweak the set. There's a lot of tents, be sure and turn off what's not in the scene.
TIP: The Dark Spell poses have some easy to tweak "fighting" stances/ poses. Do those first, then use the sword-holding pose that is included with Darkshade. (Yes, the sword comes with it and has a one click hand pose, you choose either left or right hand.) Easy!
I've got to get back to Zbrush, hope everyone has a happy shopping day/ wrapping it up.
LOL, I had to laugh after I rendered this. That flag in the back, it looks like she shish-kabobbed something on the tip of her sword and she's looking at it, quite pleased.
My philosophy on skin tone is don't mess with it. In nature, a given person's skin tones will always look different under varying light conditions, so changing the skin to match the lights doesn't make sense. Instead, if the image is a portrate, adjust the lights to compliment the skin tones. If more "natural" lighting is what you want, expect these variances of hue, tint, and shade of skin tones. Not only that, but people naturaly have a wide variety of skin tones ranging from the naturally "ruddy" to the "greener" tones, to even cooler tones, as well as from light to dark, and everything in between. If you're going to adjust a character's "natural" skin tones, I suggest doing it under the nuetral "headlight" then use that for that particular character for all lighting conditions. For darker characters, this may mean that they'l be even darker under dakr lighting, but that's how they wouuld be in reality anyway. The same with someone with very pale skin under bright light.
That's just my two cents.
That's a widespread philosophy I think, variety is good. Painter's Lights are overly yellow when you combine two of them, and the characters were looking way too chalky. I think your two cents is definitely worth inflating.
That said, I also don't let vendors decide for me the skin tone that I want. Some are just not that appealing. That's why V3D's Iray converter is so popular, it includes color options so when you convert, you can change the skin tones too.
Okay shoppers, you can thank SereneNight for pointing this out to me- Terradome 3, with a new item in the cart, goes down to $12 plus change. Use EITHER ONE of your PC club coupons (one requires $18 of purchases) as this IS A DAZ ORIGINAL TOO- and get it FOR $6.94 For that price, you can maybe afford one of its add-ons, which are also discounted. (From $7.19 to $8.99)
Did you get the PD Hand Dyed Iray Shader Presets? I've been having a lot of fun with them. I beta tested them for parrotdolphin. They fit in well with her other two shader preset products. Here is an image I did today.
Karen 7
Pauline Hair
Mystery Solver Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s)
Love her shaders. This one had to go on the wishlist sadly, I am just past tapped out. I'm actually really glad this sale is going to be over. I just need to stay off the shop page for a couple months. At least.
His Shirt FW Nadine (Connect Only) Hands On! Victoria 7 Attitude Poses
LOL, funny you posted a fabric shader. I JUST finished doing DG Iray Fabrics of Asia! Great minds think alike.
Those ParrotDolphin shaders really caught my eye when released, but I didn't get the PD's shaders because I decided to go for greatly discounted products (like insanely discounted) due to diminishing funds. Thanks for posting- that one looks fantastic! It doesn't look tie-dyed, it looks very elegant. Nice touch! (If you have more, would love to see them!)
I did pick up Terradome 3 because at $7 it would be insane not to try it.
Okay, shown is a large tiled version, then a tiled version of 6. (The higher the number, the more repetitive the pattern.) You can go to 30! (very dainty print.)
I used the shader on the wall too.
The shirt has a lot of morphs, it flows. I made no adjustments to the shirt when she was posed! The buttons, cuffs, neck, and button strip down the front are all different materials zones, and different (obviously) from the shirt. So playtime with shaders!
Frawn Hair is interesting, it's a medieval snood (I think that's the word) that is a lace-like cap on back the head. I REALLY like Hands On. If you want casual hand styles, check that one out! (Look at the hands, I think they look very relaxed and natural. NO tweaking.)
The iray fabrics of Asia is one of my favorite sets. Terra Dome 3 is awesome. Seriously. I am hoping now that the sale is over I can spend way more time using the all the stuff I bought instead of shopping and then getting everything into my custom categories so I can find them again lol.
Ugh sorry don't kow how that happened.
Okay Sonja, I KNOW you're enthusiastic, but...
I HATE the way the forum operates- we've all done it, and you'll see duplicate posts all over the forum. I do it when I am going back to insert something, having two windows open at a time to post links, or make changes, and I'll do it in the "draft" thingie and post it. Or did the forums glitch?
Anyway, Sonja- want to play a game of cards to keep us occupied every time the store changes over? I'm pretty much done for the month. That's a LOT of card games!
Looking at her, my Nadine sure doesn't look like the promo Nadine. Mine has a much squarer jaw and broader face. I put her on Victoria 7 too. Does she seem different to everyone else?
If you are still shopping (about two hours left for the PC sale-) note that FirstBastion mentioned in his commercial thread that Gallerie Bastion will have a FREE IRAY UPDATE. So if you didn't buy it because it wasn't Iray, now's the time to look at it. That building can be used for SO many things!
Got a laugh out of this one. It looks like back-to-back cartoon baby duck heads! (they'd have a blast if they gave me ink blot tests, it'd be all animals...)
Another one, while it's on sale- you have 45 minutes left to shop, so I would be remiss in not getting you more deeply in debt- The Longitude and Latitude lights are great for people who want click-click solutions, who are starting with Iray, or who don't quite "get it" yet. And for folks who like good lighting!
Here's how it works- you choose the location and time of day. Yes, that easy. You can tweak if you want, but you don't have to. It also comes with tree gobos for some fun effects. And these render quickly. I did Tropic of Cancer: Central Mexico>Dry Season>November 23rd. No tweaks, this is what I got. I put Nadine in Belle Dress.
So for Sun-Sky renders at a click, you can't go wrong with Latitude and Longitude!
You may want to click this to enlarge. You get the gist. It will show you the sun coming through the window so you get a feel of how strong it is and the direction it comes from. Easy!
Yes! Teen Princess Leila (that I showcased a couple weeks ago) is now in the store! She's really a fresh faced character, I like her a lot. So neat to see her in the main promo banner (and rather weird- since I had rendered her already. Like, Twilight Zone...)
So now that the PC sale is officially over....I got questions for you all! :D
What was your FAVOURITE purchase? (and render it for us so we can check it out)
What was your BEST deal?
Best deal had to be the Terradome 3, for $6.94, due to the PC+ code to take off that six dollars.
My favorite is a set, Knights Academy. I think the second one would be the WonderSheetZ for Victoria 7 because they look like so much fun to play with! I'll try to get them rendered soon, I am doing Teenage Princess Leila since she got released to the store. Then running to the store around 6am (Walmart), then going to get some sleep.
The Skate Park Teen Princess Leila (link isn't up yet) Capsces Vampy Arabella Poses (falling) Damen (coming SOON!!!) Derby Girl (G3F)
There's love at the Skate Park. Or Damen is just trying to make Leila smile after a bone-jarring fall. Not everyone can be a pro skater. (Or, did she do that on purpose, knowing her hero would scoop her up and make sure she was okay?) What a cute couple! Damen should be coming to the store soon. Good to see Leila!
I'm up for cards lol.
I don't know what my favorite purchases are yet since I haven't had a chance to render most of it. I know Terra Dome 3 ranks up there as does the T Rex, the Knights Academy and several of the medieval interior room sets. The Throne Room, the Medieval bedroom that has that very cool chair cradle and there are several more I will have to look up.
That is a very cute picture with Leila. XD
Clearly I am a fan of fantasy and medieval stuff lol
Also Ultra Scatter, Kaleidescope by Marshian, a bunch of the dinosaurs and older dragons as well the Walker for Genesis. The Lyndwyrm and Lycaon, as well as Gwenbleiz. Littlefox's modelling tuts....
Oh and the new stuff from Darwin'sMishaps, Malachi and the Tattoos.
Haha and speak of the devil you must have posted while I was compiling my list lol