I Miss Carrara!

Hello everyone. I have not visited the Carrara Forum for a few years now.
I wanted to ask if DAZ had any plans to start developing Carrara again?
I realize this question has probably been asked many times but I really would like to know. Since v.1, I was using Carrara as my primary 3D tool in my small animation / Illustration Studio. I loved its ease of use advanced features. Once DAZ stopped developing it, I started to feel a bit left behind. I had to work harder to achieve industry standard results. Also it would not work on the new M2 Mac Studio. So I made the difficult decision to switch software.
I use Bforartists now. A more advanced, artists version of Blender. Now I can create the type of art Carrara 8.5 struggled with. Yet, there are still a large amount of features missing that Carrara had years ago.
I must admit, if Carrara were upgraded to 2024 standards. I would add it to my work flow or even Jump ship.
Greetings msolomon, I saw some if your work on the net, you have been busy!
For the carrara 9 update, you must have missed it?
I did too.
Yep, I've landed some pretty cool assignments. I tried to post a few stills but the attachment function wouldn't work.
Is there actually a Carrara 9 update on the horizon?
sadly no, just Andrew Finnie humour
I still use Carrara as well as many other tools but most things just don't do enough by themselves
I need to use 5 or more programs to do some of what Carrara does
it has it's annoying quirks though, an entire imported model I was editing hiding parts in the vertex room just disappeared and it saved with 0 vertices
I was getting further in minutes than I had been trying to using the geometry editor and rigging tools in DAZ studio to move the bits around but at least that doesn't disappear forever
it was an Unreal Asset import which one has to rename every surface or Carrara will truncate the names and not differentiate between them
that bit I actually did in DAZ studio as faster with geometry editor and tool setting dialogue there (then saved as a duf for Carrara)
many fruits and breads were embeded in the table and I was pulling them out
in DAZ studio that involves converting to figure, adding a bone and filling the object with weightpainting on that bone
Carrara you can work on the object in wireframe and hide part and use softselect and pull them out ... until it all vanished and an error occured
decided downloading the Quixel megascan object collection version and setting up my own banquet is probably faster
if you feel sadistic
still free until next Tuesday
"gameplay video"
Thanks you 2. I very happy where I am now but had to ask.
Indeed. The decade+ old Carrara is still my workhorse, with Poser format support, clips, excellent animation timeline, etc. Add to that VUE (now free), Particle Illusion, VEGAS video editing with its text to voice feature, Digital Juice music and Sound FX. Here is one short example with all that:
Nice Work! I probably would have taken a route similar to your but I needed a more centralized work flow. I also need to work with other talent. Bforartists was a great compromise. Like Carrara, I can do about 90% of my work in a single app, I can work easily with thousands of other artists and I can easily do things Carrara could never do. This is my latest demo. https://youtu.be/vj5124CJr54?si=AQVCn6sC9qenwdHV
Very cool demo, you are working at a level several up from me. I almost never work with others, just create short animations for contests like the 48 Hour Film Project (5 minute video in two days, given a genre, prop, character and line of dialogue). It sounds like we have both found our toolset.
we should have a Miss Carrara Render Pageant....
Liked and subscribed.
Yeah + could be alright then + Thanx
as long as there are Carrara Ironmen too
you are already surrounded by us
you should have seen my original post, i took it down before it was tooken down
you might get wackied with the post
now you know where all the missing posts go.... to keep the fires of hell burning
ha ha where was I again?
here's a pic of me in the bushfire smoke haze in 2019
dont know why ity is on its side
the artwork on the board is carrara work
not that you can see it :)
nice photo +
Miss Carrara Render Pageant
+ W.I.P.s & 2nd More Finished + Thanx
Carrara octuplets!
Thanx very much _ 1st One , Two are the same but differnt hair colour
+ more Finishd one Only Seven7 ~
There should be more like this, ,!
+1 !!!
Headwax Bunyip02 : Thanx Very Much
_ wasnt sure if there would be Topic/Thread/ Discussion
of this Subjucet +
Just go and make one :)
one has been started
~ Alrite Then + Thanx