Copying Character File(s) from one folder to another, keeping the metadata?

As the title indicates, is there a method to moving/saving a character from one folder to another while keeping the character file's metadata?

I can copy/move a character (my own morphs) from one folder - Characters/MyStuff - to another folder - Characters/MyStuff/Coolstuff.  In doing so, however, it "loses" the Actor tag, and any other tags, and metadata.

Is there an easier way to transfer/move that character from its original folder to the new one without going through loading the character and resaving it to the new folder?

Thanks for the hints.




  • Do it using the right-click menus inside Daz Studio.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,006

    If you Copy / Cut user facing files coming from a Product from Daz3d store, metadata can be reserved as they're Vendor's metadata. However if you want to do so with the user facing files that you saved, like a Character Preset as you mentioned, metadata cannot be reserved after Copy / Cut.... you have to add metadata by using Edit Metadata action, from RMB-CLICK menu.

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