Soft shadows in Tera's Bedroom?

Could anyone who has already bought Tera's Bedroom confirm how the soft shadows under the bed and desk are achieved in the promo images (most noticeable in the nighttime promo)? Are they shadows cast by spotlights, or painted onto the textures, or filament's ambient occlusion, etc? Those promo renders are absolutely stunning.
I would also love to know how that is done, shadows are not very reliable or controllable in filament. The only way I have found of doing this is 2 renders one filament and one iray, blended in photoshop.
I don't think that shadow was rendered.. Shadows casted by Spotlight or AO cannot be that soft, even plus tweaking Fila draw settings. That shadows seems pretty weird in the room.... as well as not in line with other shadow areas, IMO.
Ended up buying it for myself, and discovered the shadows are rendered! If you use the nighttime light settings that come with it, you can see for yourself. :D
Honestly, it's worth it just for the included light/skybox settings alone, and the room itself makes good use of soft shadows and environment lighting to get that painted background look.
Thank you ! will try it again ~~
Edit: Well, I had to say I could not make it for the 1st time .... I had to switch Texture Shaded / Filament drawstyle back and forth before seeing the soft shadow. Not sure if it's a bug ~
And the difference is just the value of spread angle and lumen... the former is the trick for the soft shadow which is totally different from Iray ~~ interesting.