HD Violin and poses for G3/G8 by protozoon

Hi everyone,
I bought recently some items made by Protozoon: HD violin and poses, HD piano and poses, recital hall ... and Unplugged Studio by MikeD.
I am impress by the quality of these works, very detailled. Congratulations to Protozoon and MikeD.
I tested some static poses with violin on G8, it is really awesome.
My idea is to make a little animation to simulate the game of a piece of music on violin.
I tested some poses at different frames. The combination of some poses is almost natural. Exemple : E Tip2 to G Tip2 or D Frog to E Mid.
But in most of cases the combination of poses give unexpected results. Exemple : A Frog to E Tip, the arm moves with circle arc. Is it the effect of interpolation TCB ?
Is there a solution other than creating intermediate transition poses ?
A personnal question to Protozoon : are your poses done from motion capture ? they are so precise.
Thank you very much.
I'm afraid you would need to edit the TCB values and/or add intermediate poses in these cases.
You need to add more keyframes there... as well as may use Linier interpo among some keys.
BTW, I don't think Protozoon made the poses with MoCap other than manual pose... simple and easy with a reference img.
Thank you Richard and Crosswind for your answers.
Add more keyframes for intermediate poses ... that's what I thought !
Thank you again !
Thank you so much for the kind words!
I am a cellist and a cello teacher by profession and work with these kinds of poses daily. No mocap. They could be more accurate but I didn't realize I could have disabled limitations on joint rotations at the time I made them, a while ago. Dang.
Hi Protozoon,
I am sorry to read your message so late.
I understand now why your poses are so precise.
Good job and thanks for your contribution.