Tutorials on Creating LIE Tattoos

I know a lot will depend on the license agreement of the stuff I buy, but is there a tutorial on how to create LIE Tattoos, so I can add it to my library, then apply that tattoo multiple characters (G8.1M and G 8.1F).

There are some products over in Art Station that I would like to get to create tattoos. I know I would need something like Adobe Photoshop (would GIMP work?). But beyond that I would like to create a script/process that is works the same way as the INKED series.

Thanks in advance


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,342
    If tattoos are not across seams of skin surfaces,e.g. Arms+Body, using Ps or Gimp will do...otherwise you have to paint tattoos on figure's mesh by using Blender or Substance Painter. Inked series don't use scripts but just LIE Presets. But you certainly can write script to apply LIE.
  • Thank you!  I'll give it a try

  • neomanneoman Posts: 57

    Try these tutorials!!!

  • Thank you!

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