Monoleg/sciapod idea
Posts: 49
I wantd to ask if its possible for artist like RawArt or others, to create/model a schiapod creature or figure, in female version?
I wantd to ask if its possible for artist like RawArt or others, to create/model a schiapod creature or figure, in female version?
Dufflepuds (CS Lewis, 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader'). Would be fun.
Yes, thats the idea... just female :)
I can't say this is something I would tackle....but you might be able to build something using my severed man set ....just use that and scale down whatever is left of the cut off leg and you might come close
Well when i saw your cyclops, which is epic , it sparked the idea in my head, so i thought you might pull it off.. but gotcha :)