finding image files in data to use outside of daz

finding image files in data to use outside of daz

I want to use a leather material from a daz set,

(like for example),

in a different program than daz, where would I go to find the folder where there are jpgs or png's of the leather or metal , wood or any type of material that uses jpeg or png images?


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,822

    The textures themselves will typically be in a subfolder of /Runtime/textures.

    The file list for the product can be seen in the product readme, for example for the product you linked.

    You can also use "show installed files" in DIM to see the list of files installed.

    Another option is to apply the preset to an object (for example a primitive) in DS, and then look in the surfaces tab: you can see the path to the file used when looking at a property which uses a map.

  • Leana said:

    Another option is to apply the preset to an object (for example a primitive) in DS, and then look in the surfaces tab: you can see the path to the file used when looking at a property which uses a map.

    To add to this, click on the texture box, select the "browse..." function, then copy the file path from the explorer window.




  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 7,947
    edited July 2024

    If you installed the product via DIM, "Show Installed File" as Leana said would be always the quickest way to find the texture files in the corresponding location(s) ~~ Then browse them with an Image Viewer.

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273
    edited July 2024

    All I can fiind for png's were little icons so the user can see what they are clicking on

    I couldnt find that particualr leather folder in runtime

    I need the actual leather images used in the set but everything I find is a .duf or other file format I cant open

    I need regular size images noit the icon sized ones

    do those images  exist as jpgs or png's in any daz folder or in order for these images to work in daz they have to be converted into files such as .duf?

    Post edited by VicS on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,822

    Did you look at the file list for the leather shaders? Texture files should be in /Runtime/Textures/Dimidrol according to the readme.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 7,947

    VicS said:

    All I can fiind for png's were little icons so the user can see what they are clicking on

    I couldnt find that particualr leather folder in runtime

    I need the actual leather images used in the set but everything I find is a .duf or other file format I cant open

    I need regular size images noit the icon sized ones

    do those images  exist as jpgs or png's in any daz folder or in order for these images to work in daz they have to be converted into files such as .duf?

    Did you go to DIM to Show Installed Files... ?  They're 1500 x 1500 tileable PNGs ~~

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  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    ok thanks everyone

    found Runtime/Textures/Dimidrol  now

    and now I know how to look in DIM



  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    with some files the runtime paths are not shown, like the image shows, is there a way to find the images in cases like this?

    I cant find the authors name DLD or Digital Life Design in the runtime/textures folder

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    I browsed to file location through the content library, found a name but that name also is not found in runtime/textures

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  • VicS said:

    I browsed to file location through the content library, found a name but that name also is not found in runtime/textures

    The path is x:\runtime\textures\DLD. There's a single file named "Rough.cloth.png". If it's not in there, you'll probably need to reinstall the product.

    The file paths for user facing files, and the file paths for support files, don't always match.


  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    ok fouind it thanks DrunkMonkey

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