Need a Poll for our 59th challenge, please.

Our 59th challenge ended on September 30th.  Is it possible to get a poll going for it?  Thanks


  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160
    edited December 2023

    I guess that Daz3D is done with Bryce challenges.  It's a shame because it's about the only time that I get enough energy to make an image.


    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,630
    edited December 2023

    Let's not be pessimistic, I'm sure Apoc will return once his personal issues are sorted out. We need to appreciate the fact that setting up the challenges is time consuming. I'm hopeful as the challenges are exciting and fun.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    I hope so too.

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,860
    edited December 2023

    NGartplay said:

    I guess that Daz3D is done with Bryce challenges.  It's a shame because it's about the only time that I get enough energy to make an image.


    Daz 3D Sponsors the Challenge. That said, it is community ran and operated (currently by a lovely, dedicated member of the Bryce forums Apoc who is out atm on some personal matters.)
    I am sorry that the voting thread is a bit late. Sadly, Im not certain how to set it up, but I am sure Apoc will get it set up when they are able to unless someone wants to try to walk me through it and I can try to get it up for you?

    That said, I did offer to put up the 60th challenge to get that started, though I am not 100% sure when that is due to go up but I get the feeling I should have posted it all ready blush I am terribly sorry for the delay - that was entirely my fault - and Ill get that going for you now heart

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,630

    Thanks Daz-ann0314 for your response and starting a new challenge, we appreciate it. Maybe if you contacted Apoc he can explain how he sets up the voting. Thanks once again.

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2023

    mermaid010 said:

    Thanks Daz-ann0314 for your response and starting a new challenge, we appreciate it. Maybe if you contacted Apoc he can explain how he sets up the voting. Thanks once again.

    + 1  +  Thanx

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    Ann, thank you so much.

  • thanks from me too, Ann... I am glad that the challenge will go on.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Ann : thank you, glad the challenge continues.

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 399

    Really, we could do like the Carrara forum does theirs.  Inside the Bryce forum with a new thread. Actually, it's kind of silly to say our voting thread is unanimous, when one can simply go to the entry thread & see who submissions are what image. It's just a question of if DAZ will still sponsor the Prizes this way. Here's a quick example of how the images would be set-up. Then people place their votes at the end of the thread.(I have too much on my plate to take on the responsibility) But maybe someone else has the time & could also help out when Apoc is back 



    .Entry #1  Surface Food By S. Ray


  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    Nice S Ray.  I suggested the same thing to Ann in a response message to her.  It doesn't have to be private.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,630
    edited December 2023

    Personally I prefer the private voting, I don’t like the Carrara way, although I voted there some times.

    Besides that if we look at the number of votes the 1st and 2nd prize winners get, 15 votes, 12 votes, not so many Bryce members vote which means that Apoc invited others to vote too, which translates into advertisement for Bryce artwork. Maybe some lurkers also voted, not only Daz members.

    Another point worth mentioning is; we will know who the winners are even before the final tally, the element of surprise will be lost.

    I’m sure if someone has the time and added up all the votes received divided by four in my opinion almost 25 people vote. Previously Apoc would post the voting images as well for our reference.

    My 2 cents of this issue.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,285

    And  perhaps  the  "Carrara way for just this one  +  Then when   Apoc gets back &  thing get sorted around

      Then use the Regular way  +  Thanx

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,996

    Ann, many thanks for willing to help.

    I personally also prefer the more private voting, though we Brycers know who made what. I think Apoc used a voting site, where only numbers of renders were seen and a separate page where the pictures and numbers were visible. Of course, they had to arrange the entries and link numbers to them. Maybe you can find the site and way Apoc did it by looking at a previous contest voting?

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,860

    I did speak with Apoc. He'd mentioned getting the voting thread up for this, Im just not entirely sure when. Ill check in with him again just to double check. Worst case scenario (if he's not able to get it setup) I'll see if I can sort out some way to do voting. I oversee the New User Challenge but that Challenge's winners are picked by the Community Volunteer that is chosen to run it that specific month (a different person runs it each month) so we don't have voting threads or polls etc for that (though we used to vote but that was still internal among the Community Volunteer Team and we just used an Excel Spreadsheet LOL) 

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,630

    Thanks Ann for your efforts and feedback. I think, but I'm not sure, Pam (May her soul rest in peace) also used some internal team source to do the voting that was a long time ago, it's only this past few years that Apoc started to help her. Maybe some of the other members can throw more light on this. 

    Once again a big thank you for all your efforts.


  • ApocApoc Posts: 407
    edited January 2024

    I'm ALIVE! for now

    Post edited by Apoc on
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,860

    Apoc said:

    I'm ALIVE! for now

     Thank you so much Apoc ((hugs)) I really appreciate it as I know you're busy atm. 

    for those wanting to vote, the thread is here:

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,630

    Thank you Apoc we really appreciate all your efforts. Praying for your good health and easing of your affairs. 

    Thank you Ann for your efforts too

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,285

    DAZ_ann0314​  :    Thanx    heart

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    Thanks Ann and Apoc!  Glad that you're alive Apoc :)

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