I want to return the "New" Scene menu item to the old behavior. How?

I want to return the "New" Scene menu item to it's old behavior. How?
Before this latest update (, a single click cleared and opened a new default scene. Now a new default scene is four clicks deep. How do you disable the "New Scene" pop-up window? I don't need recent files, I know where my favorites are, I just want a new scene when I click that option. Thank you.
Note to DAZ: I visit the Daz Store daily. I don't need your store interupting my workflow.
An interim solution:
Create an empty scene as a template with the render settings you usually use. Save it in your user's Daz Library. Create a custom action for the scene file.
F3 in DS, assign Ctrl + N to it. Then assign a Ctrl + Shift + N to the new 'New...' dialogue, just in case one day you may need it.Drag the action to Menu Bar and Tool Bar as needed.
Thank you.
ctrl n, followed by enter, is only two key press actions.
But on quite a lot of people's machines, it's still slow / freezing before they can press Enter, and after pressing Enter, Viewport is still freezed for seconds before they can click a single mouse button...
I'm one of them, with quite a robust PC and big bandwidth internet connection, but no avail. I got lots of same feedback from my subcribers' chat group.
Cool. I already had my custom settings saved for both Opening scene and New. Opening scene seems to still be intact.
If New is still the one I set up, I'll revert for a bit to see the new one.
As much as I might not like feeling 'tampered with', I am all for Daz 3d trying to make new users feel more at home. Looking forward to seeing the new stuff.
Um... Wow! I wasn't going to try the New scene until after I finish rendering this animation I aborted to upgrade. I started the new Daz Studio and started to load my animation, then typed the above few lines.
By the time I hit Send, my animation was already loaded - ready to render. That was Really Fast compared to what used to be normal!
Wait... can we browse the store inside the New Scene popup?
I agree on the point to some extent...but meanwhile, don't neglect old-timers... That's why I suggested add a checkbox in Preferences that'll make more sense for all. See how Adobe Phothoshop ever did...
60%+ time saving... I've been experiencing such an improvement for nearly a year with PB version. Thumbs up!
Nope, very limited. It'll bring you to the online store...
I decided to stop the render and check out the new page, which I then used to reload the scene. Kind of cool.
New animations in there? Example Scenes? Seems pretty cool. I won't be using it anymore, but I think it's a nice little thing. I'd probably have used it for a while if I was just starting out.
Um... Adobe Photoshop... Hmmm...
Let's just say that this cat is an Adobe fan no longer and am now a proud (and happy) user of Affinity Photo!
I called them trying to negotiate a non-subscription license and they asked for a credit card number to continue the conversation. I simply cannot do subscription software. My Daz + Membership is simply me paying a little in advance to my Art Department Team.
I understand.. but I've been with Ps for so many years, not easy to give it up. But I use Affinity Designer instead of Illustrator. I prefer to the former much better !
This is defnitely one of the most annoying changes in the new version so far... I seriously dislike it, already went over the "About plugins" section in hopes that we might be able to prevent the whole wizzard pane from loading but no such luck it seems. I also completely fail to understand the logic here.. when I want a new scene I want just that: a new scene, and a bit quickly if it can be helped.
I think this pane would have been much more useful as an extended load option. I mean, there is some value in being able to quickly open scenes you previously worked on, but NOT when all I want is to quickly clear my current scene in order to continue working by dragging a new figure in and work on a new pose or morph or whatever.
Of course the Daz documentation site decided to give up on me with errors making it even more difficult to check up on how I should create such a custom action, which only adds up to my agitation. Never done this before... ugh! Eventually I figured it out, thanks to Google and another 3D website...
SO... here's to those of us who like me never created a custom action before while also wondering how to get rid of this annoying wizzard:
Annoying for sure but fortunately also easily remedied. Thanks for the initial tip Crosswind!
That's nice ! You're welcome.
A checkbox of toggling this "New..." in Preferences is still expected. 
Extraordinarily annoying behavior change. To make it even worse, the Daz Store elements never load. I think I'd be confused as heck if I were a new user looking at all these blasted options AND two sections with never-finishing 'still loading' spinners. I wouldn't necessarily guess what the program was trying and failing to do.
Thanks exceedingly for the the tip on restoring a sane New Scene option.
Did the colors render the same after the upgrade? I made that mistake once upgrading in the middle of a project, all the colors rendered differently afterwards and it was for a client who wanted the red a certain shade. Luckily I had the old version on my other machine, but then I was down to one computer instead of two and it caused so many headaches. Now I'm super careful to not upgrade anything if I'm in the middle of something, but I'm curious if everything came out the same for you.
Nope... around the beginning of this year, I found such an "issue" in between general release and 4.21.1+ public build, I could only assume that it resulted from the update of Nvidia driver. If I remember correctly, such an "issue" ever happenend in 4.16 and 4.20 as well...
I have been ignoring the store prompts in the New Scene menu, but I really like how it remembers which tab I used last. I've been enjoying using it for starting my new scenes as well as loading recent jobs.
I can see why folks might find it annoying, but I really like it. Just still jamming along having so much fun animating that I have a hard time getting into a bad mood. I'm tickled!
I come to the store and it looks like they love me. But it turns out that they'll only love me if I spend a few hundred dollars that I simply can't spend. That knocks my mood down a a bit so I close my browser and watch each frame as they finish rendering and I'm all giddy again! :)
Just make it where we can go in setting to disable it. It is rather annoying,.
It is still one key press more than it was before, not to mention nobody asked for it.
The problem with new new dialog is:
1. It uses my internet bandwidth for downloading things I don't care to see
2. It uses my disk space to cache downloaded things I don't care to see
3. It didn't ask for my informed consent to do either of those two things
4. It doesn't have an opt-out switch or offline mode
I know that free software works on a "take it or leave it" basis, but the fact that I let it run on my PC doesn't give you the right to then do whatever you want on it.
I found a way to fully restore the old behavior:
1. Download a New Scene 1.0 script from https://levicki.net/downloads/ (kudos to that person whoever they are for writing such a good script)
2. Unzip it to your Scripts folder inside your Daz Content folder
3. Launch Daz Studio, find the script, right-click it and select Create Custom Action
4. Place it in whatever root menu you want (Scripts, Favorites) -- this is not important because you won't be using it from there at all
5. Enter "&New..." in the text field (without quotes!) and click Accept
6. Press F3 to open customization dialog
7. In the Actions tree on the left find and expand File node, right-click on &New... entry and select Clear Keyboard Shortcut
8. In the Actions tree on the left find and expand Custom node, right-click on your custom &New... entry created in step 4, select Change Keyboard Shortcut, then press Ctrl+N together when prompted
9. Click on Menus tab on the right, find and expand Main Menu Bar, then expand &File
10. Right-click &New..., select Remove Item, drag and drop your custom &New... item from the Actions tree on the left to the same spot under &File (above separator)
After clicking Apply and Accept close Daz Studio so that the changes are persisted.
Note on how the New Scene 1.0 script works:
- It checks if scene was modified and asks you whether you want to save (Yes/No/Cancel)
- If you click Cancel it doesn't do anything
- If you click Yes it tries to save the scene and if it fails it shows a message and stops.
- If you click Yes and save succeeds or you click No, or the scene doesn't need saving it will check if there's a scene file set to load on new scene in Preferences
- If there is a scene file configured it will load it without merging which will clear the existing scene
- If there is no scene file configured it will clear the scene manually, reset viewport, and create default Environment and Tonemapper nodes
Thats it, now you can enjoy using the old Daz Studio behavior.
I am unable to type the text &New... in the text field. It stops me after I type the first period, so it looks like &New. And I don't have a Custom category on the left to find my script. Possibly because my script isn't being created due to the mentioned issue?
This currently hangs and crashes daz. I don't know why, but this new menu is busted.
Have you considered telling the programmers to look up the advertising information out of context and not just when I press 'new'? Also, if there's no ads there, then dont hang and crash? This is really substandard work. You know people will press new, so why not just preload? (This is how I do things with firmware that I develop. I preload communications messages that I know are coming in order to speed up message transfer.)
I thought it did preload the notifications
Sorry, it is cached but not pre-loaded and the cache is sued as long as it is valid - see https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/654951/new-scene-workflow-in-app-notifications-daz-studio-4-21-1-91
I find the dialog so slow that I almost never use it, I just delete the existing stuff from the scene and start over, but I do not render in DS any more so I don't care about left over settings, I just need to get the scene out of DS.
The waiting time after trying to open the New dialog is annoying buit nothing compared to the "Deleting objects...." sitting there for 10 minutes.
a "do not show again" clickbox and the option to restore defaults in the prefs might something to consider.