Short Help about terrain tile

Hi everybody
I forget how I does before to merge perfectly 2 terrain tiles togher, with one button !
So in Bryce it was possible to paste one tile with another and they merge perfectly, can you please tell me how to do please ?
Thanx for help
Use the Align tool
mosinner - welcome to the Bryce forum. This document describes the TE and at the end of page 4 tiling is explained. I hope it helps.
Are you asking about Bryce, or are you asking for an equivalent feature in another application (in which case you should edit the first post and select the appropriate sub-forum there).
If you are looking for how to tile terrains so their position lines up, then tile the Height Map on each terrain, Follow this tutorial. {Tile Terrain Bryce Tutorial - YouTube } I included the Cheat sheet for terrain resolutions as an Attachment
Thanks S Ray for sharing