Thanks to this wonderful forum

I simply want to thank you for the existence of the forum, because I believed that almost no one used the old and beloved Bryce, which I discovered years ago in a version that came for free in a 3D magazine. I came here looking for tutorials on YouTube and when I saw David Brinnen's I found out that DAZ Studio had a forum. I couldn't stand it, I bought it and regained my taste for a program that I thought had disappeared and now I am a proud member of a community with the same taste.
3D attracted me years ago and, although I had abandoned it since approximately 2010, I am returning to this interesting hobby that has helped me make the covers of my books. I don't pretend to be a professional by any means, just to have fun and at the same time learn some things and share with people from other latitudes.
It's a shame they haven't updated the program in over ten years, but I guess DAZ has their reasons for doing so. I just hope it continues to work in later versions of Windows to continue entertaining me.
Greetings from Chile.
Teobaldo - It is sad that Daz is not updating this wonderful program. I believe it is still one of the best 3D programs for hobbyist. Besides using a bit for Wings 3D, Bryce is the only 3D program I use. There was a time this forum was very active but today things are a bit slow with only a few of us posting on a regular basis. I’m not an artist in the true sense of the word but I have produced some awesome artwork. Bryce is very versatile, awesome and fun to use. I only hope that more people who use Bryce will join us on this forum.
It's so cool you joined us here, looking forward to more of your work.
Trying to be one of the people keeping it going.