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Perhaps Howie will consider selling his products on other websites too. This way we wouldn't have to wait for the slow approval process here on DAZ, as well as the timing of releases, marketing driven as often seem to be. Willing buyers and willing sellers should be able to meet somewhere to do their transactions without unnecessary obstacles to their intented wishes.
And F.Y.I, Alienator Pro II is on it's way soon (as shown in the video by Martin Frost that was released today), and Mask Builder II is almost done too, as I know these two tools are essential to a lot of the work that manu of you do with UltraScenery.
sounds like bad timing of these releases .... should have been offered simulanteously with US2.
surge protector anybody??
yeah, I'm not making that mistake again, you can bet on that.
It's been over two months of hard development to get them done, and I could not start until USC2 was in a stable state, been working close with Howie on those.
USC2 is a completely new beast so those two had to be rewritten from scratch, and a lot of new things had to be taken care of, wasn't an easy task.
20% for previous owners is rather paltry.
Thanks for the quick help! I've written in the Store thread also to maybe include these infos on the USC2 page.
Just to clarify, 'classic' now basically means USC1, right? So it detects the USC1 ecologies, and they work just fine, but one cannot use the extras, like Alienator and the little helpful tools?
20% - I'll take it. My wallet just died, though.
Will have to wait for the weekend to play too. Got loads of work this week.
BTW...instead of comparing US2 to Bryce (huh?), the advert should have compared it to US1. That would have made sense and been useful. Given this inadequate promo, it is hard to see the exact benefits to buying US2, except for the mentioned additional area it creates landscapes on. What about rendering speed comparisons? What about other features and some promo picts of what it does. The comparison to Bryce is, well .... u n u s e fu l.
I agree, have posted in the store thread about the missing product details. We'll see what comes of it.
Add UltraScenery 2 A Comprehensive Guide to the cart and see what happens ....
My UST1 and UST2 are obsolete with USC2 as it works very different and many of the functions (hide/show layers, add new layers, eroded terrain and much more) are now already built into USC2. But as I wrote, Alienator Pro II for USC2 is coming soon, and so is Mask Builder II, but not as soon.
Yea makes me wonder if there are any real improvements to US2, if you are comparing a new 'system' to something that hasn't even been updated to 64 bit I can't see that there's much need to spend all that money.
I also can't seem to find any threads or info on what the improvements and advantages to US2 are.
The improvements are huge, it's really really nice to work with.
Will the Ultrascenery Toolboxes work with this version?
Are they needed? Or does the new version now do some/all of what was in the toolboxes?
UST1 & UST2 wont work with USC2. Most of the things in those are now already in USC2, Mask Builder II is coming and Alienator Pro II is coming soon.
Already answerred lol
UST1 & UST2 wont work with USC2. Most of the things in those are now already in USC2, Mask Builder II is coming and Alienator Pro II is coming soon.
Can't really afford a good one and seeing as I have a dedicated computer shutting down in bad weather is not a problem really, just an inconvenience
But what are they - all I see is a comparison with an ancient product that has not been updated in years. The only advantage I can see is larger terrains, is that worth $40 I have to ask.
Silly if it is so good not to advertise the improvements.
These are the things that i can rememebr off the top of my head ( the list is much, much longer this is a very differnt and much easier to work with beast):
Usc 2 is a plugin for daz studio rather than a script (SSC1 ) which means it now works in a pane and you can make alterations to your landscape/eco/biom/features in real time, you dont have to re open it and re run it.
You can now turn on and off the visualiation of plants and objects in layers and eco systems ( for both the new biome system and for the classic content too ) so you can see where plants are placed.
Instance culling around the camera
Biomes are rather like photoshop layers and you can now adjust the density, scale and many other propertys associated with the plants and features that the biom subject interacts with ( attract/ repel etc)
You have the option to back face cull items such as grass and pebbles making sure that stuff hiddedn behind a hill and not in view of the camera will not be considered in the render - not reccomended for trees as they tend to poke above the landscape
Some biom plants and obhects (small things like grass and pebbles though this lisdt will expand with time) now work on LOD which means that the high poly models are only placed near the camera and lower poly models are away from the camera
You can turn on and off sets of plants and objects in the render
Landscape size can be very considerably increased - usc1 was 64x64 meters, USC 2 goes up to the 200 odd meters square which is pretty vast.
in a nutshell you now have a pro active interface with a huge number of improvements to both the physical landscape propertys, how instances are used on it, and the efficency of it. As Totte said, its great fun to use, and much easier in your workflow as you dont have to keep re running a script as in the origional version, all of your old ecos and features will work, add ons for USC1 by Totte and Myself will not ( though i might update some of mine in the future). But all of your old content such as the Desert, Tropical and Britain botanica bundles along with all of the other ecosystem sets will work.
I cover a lot of this in more detail and much more in the tutorial released today. Its intended as a jumping board based on my experiances using Ultrascenery 2 with some of my own work flow tips and tricks thrown in.
I suspect the advert/product page is all DAZ's idea of smart marketing...
Well I just bought USC2 and well my credit card is now suffering from whiplash.
Can't help but wonder- is the lack of info a sales tactic to get us to buy your guide?
This was straight into my cart as soon as I finished work, but I had to go to the bakery before I could check out other offerings. Strange pricing. I paid a couple of dollars more for US2 than Bunyip02 and over 4 dollars less for the guide. I did use the 70% discount code and only bought one other item, Panoma's Native American Warrior props.
UltraScenery2 - Realistic Landscape System $20.38
UltraScenery 2 : A Comprehensive Guide $7.50
Native American Warrior Props for DS $5.09
I am NOT complaining.
Now I need to organise and eat dinner. THEN I can play. Woo Hoo
So my first attempt with USC2 and it is awesome, I did find that some of the classic content in this case the stone bridges caused Studio to crash. Still working out how to get some of the classic biomes to show up properly as tried using one of the Australian presets and nothing happened. Also found will want to be careful how big of a scene you go, as even with my R9 7900X3D, 64GB ram and RTX 4070Ti Super, moving around a large scene got a bit laggy.
What is the version number of the USC2 plugin?
The information page looks different, than usual
Hope to test it soon.
That's something I wondered as well: Mountain ranges? Hills? Options to create a flat area to place a building?
The video is a great showcase for what can be accomplished, but doesn't give much of an idea about the exact features it has.