OFFICIAL DazToMaya Bridge 2022 (SEPTEMBER UPDATE): What's New and How To Use It

The September Update for the DazToMaya Bridge is now available on Daz Central and Daz Install Manager. It has some changes to the UI which may take users familiar with the old version time to get used to. Here's what's new:
- Updated to latest Daz Bridge Library v2.2
- Fixes morph undo bug (distorted faces on export)
- Geograft Material support
- Prelim steps for supporting Geograft morphs (exported blendshapes)
New Menu Location:
You will need to install the Maya Plugin using the new integrated Maya Plugin Installer. Access this from the Advanced Settings box of the new DazToMaya Bridge UI.
How to Install the Maya Plugin
- The Daz Studio Plugin comes embedded with an installer for the Maya Bridge module. From the Daz To Maya Bridge dialog, there is now section in the Advanced Settings section for Installing the Maya module.
- Click the “Install Plugin” button. You will see a window popup to choose a folder to install the Maya module. The starting folder should be the default location for maya plugins and modules.
- On Windows, the path to install modules should be “Documents\maya\modules”. On Mac, the path should be “/Users//Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/modules”.
- For most Maya setups, you should be able to just click “Select Folder”. You will then see a confirmation dialog stating if the plugin installation was successful.
- If Maya is running, you will need to restart for the Daz To Maya Bridge module to load.
- In Maya, you should now see a “DazToMaya” tab in the Maya Shelf toolbar. Click this tab to find the DazToMaya options.
- If you have tabs disabled in the Maya Shelf, you may need to click the “cog” icon and select “Shelf Tabs” to find and select the “DazToMaya” tab.
- From the DazToMaya tab of the Shelf, you should now see an icon for “DAZ IMPORT”. You are done installing Daz To Maya Bridge!
- If you recieve an error when trying to click the "DAZ IMPORT" icon, make sure you have PyMEL installed.
You can find more information about the updated DazToMaya Bridge with these resources:
- DazToMaya Bridge on Github
- Installation Instructions for DazToMaya Bridge (Githhub)
- How to use the DazToMaya Bridge (Github)
- Download the latest updates and bugfixes (Github Release Page)
- DazToMaya FAQ (
How to Install DazToMaya Bridge v2022
More tutorials coming soon...

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Post edited by danielbui78 on
Does this mean you can export a figure in subdiv1 or higher to Maya and all morphs that you choose to export are exported in subdiv1 or higher as well - meaning you could export HD morphs?
If yes - wow. It's very well possible to do all of this already but not with a one click solution and you need to setup a couple of things yourself. If the DtoM script has all these steps scripted - that's a gamechanger for sure.
in maya 2023, daztomaya plugin is not appearing
Trying to get Daz to Maya Bridge working in Maya 2022. It says to install it to this directory “\Users<username>\Documents\maya\modules” from DAZ Studio. There is no "modules" directory there. Any clue as to what I am missing?
Just put in Documents\maya\mayaVersion\modules, or create the folder...
By the way, I have installed the new plugin from about 3 days ago, and when I pass it to Maya, and then to MotionBuilder, to filter it better, the fbx generated from "python tools" in MOBU version 2013 of fbx, Daz gives me a garbage of geometry! :D
Thanks, autodolor, that worked!
Thanks very much, I will try to update my video and instructions to incorporate this tip!
Regarding motion builder, there may be conflicts with the bone rotation conversion process used by the DazToMaya bridge. Currently, for animations to work, animations are disabled. I am looking into a complete bone rotation solution for animations.
The July Update for the Daz to Maya Bridge is now available on Daz Central and Daz Install Manager! Please refer to the main post for more information about this update.
So I installed the July update. I chose the module folder in the specified area; which is also the default area that pops up when installing the bridge in Maya from Daz. I ran Maya and the plugin manager didn't find it. I created module folders in 2022 and 2023 as someone suggested, "Just put in Documents\maya\mayaVersion\modules, or create the folder..." That didn't work either when restarting Maya and checking the plugin manager. Any ideas?
Maya modules are not managed by the plugin manager and will not show up there. Please post a screenshot of your maya window and the script console area and any error messages that may be there. Thanks.
Regarding the post-export character issues, please report the following:
Here's the Screenshot from startup on Maya. The DaztoMaya shelf is blank. The Script console doesn't show Daz having any sort of presents in the startup.
and press "CTRL+ENTER". Take a screenshot. It should look like image 4.
Done. The only difference I see is in the 4th image.
Everything seems to be in the correct spot. Try adding a custom shelf script:
1. Open Script Editor and copy and paste the following into a new Python tab:
2. Then click on the Script Editor Menu: File -> Save Script to Shelf...
3. Type in "Daz Import" and hit Enter
4. A new custom script should appear in the Shelf
5. Click the new custom icon and Daz To Maya Bridge dialog should open
6. In the Script Editor, you should now have output with Python Version, DazToMaya version and Intermediate folder location
Yes, Pasting the script in the python tab worked. Thank you so much!!
No luck with adding Redshift to be part of the converting materials drop down menu?
Sorry, Redshift material conversion is not currently supported in the Daz to Maya Bridge. You may be able to find some scripts to convert Arnold to Redshift online.
Daz to Maya menu / module doesn't appear on my MAYA 2023.
I have install the plugin to modules folder from DAZ Studio.
Never mind I look at the wrong place.
I'm confused. I've installed the bridge with DIM and when I click on it in DAZ (script menu), nothing happens/opens up. I reinstalled the bridge twice, in vain. And the bridge tab in Maya magically vanished and is yet to be found. That update basically destroyed everything. I just don't understand.
The menu options and install steps have changed, so long-time users may get lost. Please try reading through the first post and watching the video: Hopefully that will fix your problems.
Thanks so much for your work danielbui78!

Do you have an ETA for the upcoming update? You said on Github that you were working on adding JCM support, and I honestly can't wait for that to be implemented!
Ditto on that. I'm still using Laylo's script until the update. Looking forward to the next release! :)
Hi Daniel. Please, how I can use this option on DaztoMaya Bridge? I thing I'm using the right option but the mesh looks identical as the Base Mesh Level 0 (without HD Morphs) but with high subdivisions. It's mandatory to bake subdivisions from Daz to export it to Maya? The problem is the huge use of RAM. Thank you so much in advance. Steph
In 2024
# Error: OSError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2024\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\internal\ line 801: Cannot find maya documentation. Expected to find it at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2024\docs\Maya2024\en_US
In maya 2024
# Error: OSError: file C:\Users\2arag\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pymel\internal\ line 801: Cannot find maya documentation. Expected to find it at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2024\docs\Maya2024\en_US