DAZ Vladimir character

edited December 1969 in New Users

Hi folks!

I was hoping someone could advise me on the DAZ Vladimir character, please?

I have installed the M++ morphs plus the Creature Creator morphs.
I have installed the Vladimir character.
I have run the DzCreateExPFiles-M4.bat file.
I have loaded up a fresh M4 figure.
I have selected the INJ.Vladimir file from my Poses directory

Nothing happens.

Am I doing something wrong, maybe missing a vital step?

Any advice is gratefully received. :D


- Alastair


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Nothing will appear to happen.

    If you look in the Parameters pane with Michael 4 selected, under 'Morphs | Shapes > Vladimir' you will find a slider to apply the morphs to whatever strength you want.

    The textures you should fine in MATerials Hi-Res just above Morph Injections in the Poses folder.

    There is also a Power Loader for Vladimir (and M4 and CC morphs), so that you can tick them to load along with M4.

    Hope that helps?

  • edited December 1969

    Hi Jimmy!

    Unfortunately I'm using Poser10, not D/S, but *do* appreciate you taking the time to answer. Maybe I need to go over to D\S after all these years...! ;)

    Thank you!

    - Alastair

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Did you get it to work, it is not clear from your answer?

    It should work exactly the same way in Poser (not the Power Loader which is DS only)

    If you can't get it to work, I have Poser 10 and can try it for you?

  • edited December 1969

    You, my friend, are a legend!!! :D

    I can't believe I didn't think to select 'Body'. I guess I'm just used to selecting the body part which has a morph applied to it, like the face, or torso.

    It worked perfectly. Thank you! :D

    - Alastair

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