Every clothing product should show morph parameters like this

I cannot stress enough how helpful an image like this is in deciding if I can use a product. It also clearly indicates what part of the item is affected by the morph. If vendors added more promos like this it would take out so much guesswork.


  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    I totally agree; and not just for clothing, but all morphs. It is really irritating when you find that a product has a long list of morphs but they have names like "Style 1 to 24", or "Adjustment 1 to 10". It shows a lack of attention to detail on the part of the vendor and spoils what may otherwise be an excellent product.

  • Agree. Nothing like buying something because you THINK you can move it a certain way (or expand it etc) and come to find out that's not possible.

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