Content Tabs: mutlitab in seperate pane.

The content browsers, both Content Lib *and* Smart Content are a lovecraftian horror. The user is constantly tracking back entire paths from here to there only to add one prop from another package and then back to character items you need to go back all the way. 

Why not have browser style multi-tabs that show a label you gave the directory or the sheer directory name if the user did not assign a label?

_/ G8F hair \_ / G8F poses \ / Architecture \ / Lights \/ hdri \ / G3M characters \  / .... \

and remember them as a setup. 


  • I'm not sure I follow, but the back-and-forth might be easier to manage using View as treee Instead of Viwe As List, since you can at least see other branches and switch between folders with a single click. That's in the Content Library pane option menu - the line button in the top corner, or right-click the tab.

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