Introducing the Daz to Maya Bridge & native Maya File Formats

The most versatile 3D Library just got a whole lot bigger.
Daz 3D is here to help you make amazing 3D artwork. That’s why Daz is excited to announce the Daz to Maya Bridge and native Maya File Formats! To continue to make morphable, mashable, and photo-realistic 3D models even more available for digital artists, we’ve developed two new ways to take your 3D content with you, wherever you work.
Daz Bridges
The new Daz to Maya Bridge is ready to transfer your Daz Library into Maya. This cross-platform port fully converts the rigging, textures, and character functionality that you expect from Daz to get your 3D arsenal ready for an exciting new adventure.
How it works
Daz handled the complicated stuff like rigging, polygons, and textures. Daz Bridges do all the hard work so all you need to do is:
Download Studio for free, and get automatic access to Daz Bridge to Maya (also free!).
Explore over 30,000 items to find your perfect product. Then use Studio’s built-in sliders, morphs, smart content and auto-fit to make your perfect character & scene.
Once your character or scene is ready to go, open your Daz Bridge and import your project to your 3D software simply, quickly and easily.
Put in the finishing touches - pose, animate, render!
File Formats
Daz is also announcing File Formats, a new effort to share sensational 3D characters, props, poses and environments with the entire 3D art community! File Formats unlock a brand new world of Maya content for you to explore.
3D Artists prefer Daz because we offer content like you’ve never seen, with built-in functionality that takes your 3D art to the next level. What can you build with the most versatile 3D Library?
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Learn More about Daz Bridges, File Formats, and how you can create amazing 3D artwork. Your 3D Universe is waiting… what will create with tens of thousands of new 3D models at your fingertips?
Is there a user manual or documentation for this? I'm having trouble getting textures to work in Maya. I even downloaded the free trial of the Iray render for Maya but still can't figure out how to make the materials work
Im not sure how effective this bridge is. i noticed that the transferred character does not have the same skeleton as the character sent from Daz. e.g, there are no breast bones.
it also transfers all the head morphs, but no body morphs. But i think if it was to transfer every morph it would be very slow and the shape editor in maya will be slow too. kinda need a way to control what morphs are sent i think
and i have had it completely fail on the first character i tried to transfer - a premade character i have had for a while. The import process in Maya did not progress past 1%, left it for 8 hours. Not sure if there are certain things that the plugin does not support. A base character worked though, albeit with the issues mentioned above
When you move body parts like the butt, it doesn't curve in realistically. Just stays stiff. Needs some controls and whatnot to be transferrable.
I got the transfer working the very 1st time to maya 2020 but for some reason it never works again. I've got the clothing but is always missing the body. I've try reinstalling daz and plugin but still scratching my head. Anyone else have this problem?
I tried to export a single G8F character with bikini and hair.
It took almost 4 hours to complete.
when i opened the daz bridge in Maya and clicked on the Auto import button, all i had was a big red message stating :
# Error: RuntimeError: file /users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/plug-ins/DazToMaya_Files/ line 1167: Error occurred during execution of MEL scriptdeleteUI: Object 'DazToMayaSerial222' not found.
I uninstalled it and reinstalled it.
Waited another 4 hours and got the same message.
That's a pretty impressive waste of time...
I'm on Mac, High sierra, Maya 2020 and Studio
If anyone has any suggestion, i would appreciate.
It's hard to evaluate this when it imports ALL morphs. Long process even when morphs aren't enabled.3dtoall (ver1.2) didn't have this issue but I'm glad they are integrating it. If anyone has 3dtoall version, use it instead until they fix it.
So I had to create a new account on my PC and reinstall DAZ studio. Only install the characters that are compatible with Da to Maya Bridge and this seem to solved the issue. I believe you can't have any non-compatible characters install or it will mess up the transfer. I wish there is a way to quickly search for all problem characters and use DIM to uninstall them. Btw Daz central is a good idea but not very cuztomizable like DIM. Wish we can transfer the animation and poses too at the same time without exporting bvh or something. Overall I'm glad things are moving forward.
Hello there, is there any way to export aniBlocks animation with the skeleton that Daz To Maya bridge using? it seems like it doesn't catch any animation through exporting from daz to maya, even after converting to studio keyframes
Doesn't work. Uses over 9 gigs of memory trying to import then crashes.
Yip same
I recieved this same error.
new install of Maya 2020.
Usingg windows 10.
Bridge does not work at present.
I have submitted a ticket regarding this.
I'm confused. What exactly is to DAZ to Maya Bridge? Is this seperate from the DazToMaya script from 3DtoAll? When I click on this link I'm taken to a sign up page to "Get Started". I already have Daz Studio and a Daz account. When I sign in basically I'm taken to my account profile. Again, really confused here. Some assistance is greatly appreciated.
Edit, I do have the Daz to May script already installed. My issue is I can't intialze the plugin in Maya 2020.2. I get all sorts of intilization errors. Trying to find a solution this has been quite an empty effort. Has anyone succesfully run the script in Maya 2020.2, and if so, what do you do?
I'm also curious about this. If not, I absoutely can't rely on this workflow. So those that are knowledgeable please be completely honest.
I'm trying to use DAZ for the character animations because I hate messing with Maya's rigging and character sets in terms of conflicting FBX animations to multiple characters. DAZ just handles this much better, with far less hassles and setup.
Then I'm trying to import the DAZ content into Maya so I can use Craft Director Studio rigged cars in the scene. Trying to import and export (From Maya) FBX animations of the cars into Daz is proving to be a collosal disaster. All the translations come in completly re-anchored all the "pivot points" to each object's bottom, completely detroying the imported translations/animations. I'd have to manually re-align at these pivots using the joint editor, and let me tell you it's quite a headche to say the least. Damn near impossible if the begining position isn't at zero world space.
I checked the FBX exports in other 3D software, including FBX Review and the exports look completely fine as you'd expect. It's definitely a Daz Studio FBX import issue.
At this point it looks like I'm going to have stay predominantly in DAZ Studio and do a lot of manual work for somthing that should just work in the most basic sense (honoring translation pivot points of the imported file) or just leave the cars out of the scene all together, which to be clear lessens the visual impact/narrative of the scene. Unless I can get the Daz to Maya bridge working and provided that the DAZ animations come though.
Really frustrating. I stepped away from DAZ some years ago and focused my eneregy on Maya. I came back to DAZ just recently only to find after all these years there's a unrealiable FBX import issue approaching the year 2021, when so many other 3D applications handle these things as you've come to expect over the last 6 years in terms of industry standards around FBX. I'm pretty dispointed if I'm honest. I'm working on a professional portfolio piece and the thought of scaling back because of common sense technical issues is really getting under my skin. I know this all sounds pretty entilited, maybe it is, but boy am I miffed right now.
I'm trying to track down the issue: Does the attached mean anything to anyone? "Missing root element"
I've figured out my specific issue. You can't have your "Documents" folder located anywhere but the C: drive (Windows). Once I migrated my documents folder back to my C: drive the plugin now works as expected. A bit frustrating, my C drive is back to capacity again. Obviously I'm aware that the script file is searching for the C: drive location, but I don't know where to change the right strings in a text editor to see a different location.
As well I guess. It's a shame this topic isn't more supported. Kind of crickets if I'm honest.
What folder (temp?), is the DaztoMaya script in Daz Studio sending to? I need to find the folder can import the characters manually.
C: temp3d
For manual import you can grab an fbx from anywhere though, doesn't have to be from that temp folder.
Can't get it to work. Daz bridge creates a fbx file as well as a mel and xml file, but when I try to import or open it in Maya (manual or auto, doesn't matter) the program crashes. It gives the "fatal error: attempting to save in C:/users/..... /AppData/Local/Temp/.... "
Hi everyone :)
I explained morph exporting problems and fixing tips on there :
Anyone else having trouble with the bridge now? I just installed the new update, I click on the Daz to Maya option under the script with a character highlighted and nothing happens at all. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it three times now. Am I the only one?
Edit: It's working now. Don't know what the issue was but now I can transfer the character over to Maya.