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Sorry for the plethora of posts in one shot. I get excited when I see cool animation from others, and you folks are Rockin' it!!! Love the work you folks are doing!
Thanks so much for this thread - sharing all of this! So Cool!!! ;)
Music inspired by Blade Runner and Terminator. Ever since I bought Blade Runner - Black Lotus series, I've been watching these... cool music... had to make some!
Things have changed since I first started claiming that I Love to aniMate in DAZ Studio.
At first I was overjoyed that I had a working solution to the animation troubles we feel in DAZ Studio's timeline.
Since then, I've learned and demonstrated a bunch of the extra benefits of aniMate 2, which made the experience even better.
After working with the very same advice I taught in Dynamic Character Animation more and more, everything about animation in DAZ Studio just kept getting better - feeling more solid and easier to control than any other method I've tried in prior years (3ds Max - but I was really green then, Poser - but I was really green then, and Carrara, which I still Love!) simply because of how easy it has become!
Since I made Dynamic Character Animation I've suffered a total, massive data wipe. I lost Everything including everything I've made and recorded to make that course.
Instead of being bummed, I took on the opportunity to start completely fresh - unburdened with trying to figure out which animations I should create, because I need Everything!
Rosie 7 was an experiment created while I was still learning my way around DAZ Studio. Using GenX2, she had bits of V4's entire family line, a bunch of Geneis 1 and 2. She was cool, and I loved working with her - but trying to reconstruct her, while possible, would be a long journey all over again - which would be fine if that's what I needed to do.
Nah, I wanted to try the new Genesis 9! I got the start of a character made but as I'm developing a new Rosie character, I like to render some animations to see how she's looking on screen after rendering. Trying to do that proved that Genesis 9 does not like my computer, and Genesis 8.1 was killing me in the same way. I can use 8.1 for some things, but a Rosie version just kills my whole computer, or at least DAZ Studio.
Stepping down a generation to Genesis 8 Female worked - and worked Very Well!!!
Rebuilding all of my Custom Dynamic Character dials for was a real blast - and it still is as I push the envelop further and further - finding new ways that this method of working not only simplifies the entire animation workflow, but it's helping me to make better, more solid animations and special new ways to treat performance capture data - creating and utilizing these dials to take a performance either from Anilip 2, Mimic Pro, PoseRecorder, along with my other method, and edit the overall facial musculature structure so that the performance not only 'works', but it looks like Rosie (the character) is performing it - rather than just being applied to her.
My earlier (and some recent) 2024 YouTube videos show some of the captures. Not talking but idle facial animations. I used Genesis 3 & 8 Face Controls to correct it somewhat, but it still doesn't quite look right. I'm glad I make these animations - as unrefined as they are - because it gives me the chance to dislike aspects of them and push ever forward.
The still images a few posts up show how she's supposed to look - and that look is in special thanks to some really wonderful new dials!
Tweaking facial musculature across an entire animation can be a real bummer sometimes - but we do it anyway if we care enough to do so.
These new dials make it so much different! One or two dials can make the entire animation work with a single set of adjustments at the very beginning. A nice, overall 'blanket' change that just fixes the performance to Rosie's proper musculature.
So adding more dials to add special Rosie Characteristics makes it a dream to add extra nuances that truly give away that - Okay, this is Rosie talking!
I'm still in the thick of that process... but the tests so far are fantastic to my eyes at this stage in the game!
So Happy!!!
Thanks for watching.
This short film took about 3 months to build render and edit and do a final cut. I have a lot of friends that give me their music to use so I got that covered easy and I pre record all my own sound effects. I may have got this done a lot sooner but I am a commercial UAV's pilot(drones) and that has been eating up a lot of my time.
About MS Asure?! I personally think it is Awesome, it is very simple to use , it has very realistic voice dubs with controls for inflections,accents and annunciations, with a straight up easy to use text to speech UI controls. if you use the pro options there a lot more options
It all started back in 2020 - 2021 MS was offer classes on Asure programming language during covid locks downs and I took them, thats how I got started with Asure Ai anyway. Aure is free with limits and requires a free MS account , I pay around $25 a month for a MS business premium and Office365, for data collection, so Asure Ai business was included with my account, You don't have to use the subscriptions either You just pay by x amount of text-speech conversions. you should give it a try very simple to use all you need is a free MS account to get started
Wow you sure been busy :) Keep up the good work :)
I Loved it!!!
So cool - every time I enjoy a new episode, I get inspired!
Ivy, my friend... You Freaking ROCK!!! :)
It's a timing thing... I was just rewatching Karate Girl go from being a Sparrow into a Phoenix!!!
I have to go watch it again! :)
EDIT: And Thank You! I'm addicted! Couldn't stop if I tried! :)
I do have to figure out how to find time to sleep, though. Yikes!
I find it best when your syastem is on those long 4 hours renders to takea nap
make me blush
I hear that! Joining Digital Art Live has propelled me into doing stuff that's a Lot closer to something that might be considered 'finished', which has been a real delight for me. "Under the Gun" is a great way to put it! having time constraints really puts the pressure on - which I think makes us better and better at what we do - because we're actually 'seeing' our work more and more often - giving us a chance to find solutions for improvement. It's Awesome!!! :)
Keep up the great work! Love what you've been doing an the imagination used to do it!!!
May I ask what your hardware your using to render? It's always good to have friends that share. I guess I need to go check my MS 365 account. I forget if mine is E3 or E5. I host my professional and hobby mail domains with it. Serves me right for not keeping up with Microsoft.
Unfortunately my CoXComics web site recently went offline (its on a lengthy "to address" list).
I was an avid City of Heroes player and started making 3D anagrams of game characters by kitbashing. Making comics is a desk/time intensive process which of late is an issue due to spinal stenosis. This has pushed me further into animation as most of the time I need to do it is rendering, not set up or editing. A decade of collecting Daz assets to make super hero like comics makes for lots of options.
Sure, I use a old windows 2016 server connected to a old alienware GPU accelerator box holding 2 RTX 2080ti set up as a GPU server with a perpeceptual NVIDIA gpu server license .
Its old equipment but it get the job done, It all runs great easy to find parts for and cheap to replace them if i need to. Plus the way I create animation is the old fashion way one png at a time using daz studio 4.12.086 Photoshop cs6 and Premeire pro cs6, so I don't need a top of the line machine or gpu. Plus I do not make enough money off the type of animations i make I just can't justify the computer upgrades on whats working for my needs. . But I am limited on upgrading my daz studio version I can use. But i have so much content after making animations with daz studio for the last 15 plus years I am pretty good to go with content & some great tools to boot.
I have a nice windows12 laptop. but i only use it for banking and business related stuff not 3D
I'm just a grandma that likes to make fun animations as a hobby & every now and then I may sell a animation or get commissioned to make one. but really not enough money in it for me to invest in a new computer system to create animation at around $6000 +++ for a new rendering computer. so that is why i changed to high end drones. :D
Happy Rendering :)
Wow! We sure all have a Lot in Common! :)
the perpetual tomcat NVIDIA license I got back in 2016 before nvidia gone to the cloud virtual gpu server license they have today. so I could run a side by side a gpu server with my windows server. & I was able to upgrade to a couple used rtx cards I got cheap off ebay for $400 each, so i took a chance and bought them, so far they been working pretty good and I have used them pretty hard the last few months. Ive been using a older GPU driver with them to turn off opitex prime acceleration which truly speeds the rendering up by 40% or more. which seems help to keep the CPU from bottle necking during large renders sessions. these rtx cards aren't really designed for my systems but they seem to be working okay for now.
I have no problem with refurbished or used equipment for 1/4 or less the price of new. sometimes you get unlucky and get a bad seller, but I would say about 98% of the time the stuff i buy is still pretty good just a lot less money if you don't mind sticking with old school techniques.
It's probably why i never upgraded my windows7 server to windows10 server so i can keep my Adobe perpetual creative suite licenses with my photoshop and premiere film editor etc. which is all now cloud subscriptions model. I'll try to keep this old render rig and my old bought and paid for programs until the CPU dies. and see where i go from there then. a .png is still a .png and a .jpg is still a .jpg, it does not matter how old the equipment is that created it. just how good you are and how much patients you have using what you have to work with. :)
Yup we sure do.. BTW that motorcycle scene you did for your class demo was just outstanding work. really impressive stuff.
I wrote "Movie Magic" through my efforts to work within the confines of my 6GB RTX 2600.
I didn't go quietly into Windows 10. I never wanted to leave 7 - though I don't have Server. I loved Windows 7, and I wasn't even using Pro!!!
My trusty (but long-in-the-tooth) Ryzen 7 has been treating me well, and 64GB RAM has been more than enough for my needs.
While I do try to do what I can to keep my render times low, it never bothers me to wait. I do most of my rendering when I need a break, and work in such short clips that, that break usually doesn't have to be very long. But to me, it is what it is.
Perhaps one day I'll be able to upgrade to a workstation-class server-based model? I wonder if I would faint with glee?
Wow! Thanks! Mely3D really blew my mind with that model! It's a Really Cool Dirt Bike!!!
So now Medieval Rosie has her trusty new LoREZ Horse 2, which is Absolutely Stunning, by the way - and Modern Rosie has that super-awesome dirt bike! Those were renders of tests to see if I could keep the hair from falling off. I have my fun tricks that I do for that, too!
Has anyone experimented with spherical cameras to create 360 environment animations? I created this one with three spherical layers, the two external spheres counter rotating. (Force highest 4k resolution or best available for best results).

I love that we all have our own little tricks & hacks. Cheats and Animation shortcuts are one of the great things about rendering in image series instead of movie or composted AVI. that ability that you can stop anywhere on the timeline during your animation rendering sequence take a break and go back later and finish the rendering later if you want to has been my best solution for rendering. . it also handy for when you have a few keyframes that something didn't look right in the middle of a 300 keyframe scene after 4 hours rendering and later had found 40 of the keyframes the foot slipped below the floor or the hair fell out etc at least you can go back correct those frames and replace the flawed renders before final edit cut. definetly movie magic. Plus composting backgrounds is one of the best ways speed up rendering times as well . I can get my times down to about 11 seconds a keyframe. Right now i'm having some rendering times issues using volumetcis that seems to have really huge draw on my gpu's using daz 4.16. I was hoping the rtx2080's were going to resolve that problem but i think it actually made it worst. trial and error i suppose. I'll get it figured out i am sure eventually. that animated voumetric cloud i used for the bomb explosion at the end of the last scene in Karate girl almost took longer to render than the whole animation. lol
That is Really Cool!!!
Yeah, I'm trying to get more into utilizing ActionVFX for a lot of my post work elements to save render times - but I still love rendering my own FX when I can. When I do that, I do them independently from the actual scene - renered to Alpha, and then stitch it in using Fusion.
I tried getting my render time that low, but with Rosie's hair... I've been unable to get near that speed. But I don't mind - she's worth it! Most everything else is quick. I also like to use the Matte Painting method. For those stills I might let them bake in Iray for a while ;)
This was a concept I tried after working with and editing video from a physical 360 camera. This is three spherical layer stills with the star field and starship layers rotating around the interior layer.. Spherical imaging forces you consider the entire environment not just the stage in front of the camera. I think we all know what behind the camera looks like sometimes. The next thing I intended to try was rendering a spherical 360 environment and using it as an HDRI to get the right light for animating individual layers and composting them together. I may try it again if I hear how this concept looks from a VR headset user perspective..
I have done a few 360 panos with my drone pictures but never with daz studio, pretty cool though either way
This a 360 panoramic image of Johnson County airport at 3200 feet
I'm doing 360 degree spherical environments for the product I'm working on now.
I have an Insta360 I picked up inexpensively from ebay. Here's a video from my live action account filmed at Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando.

That's really cool stuff!
That is totally awesome.