save off limited value as pose preset (dsb)

1 .I can set pose genesis with out of limits value of lotation by pz2 file
2 after set genesis by pz2 file, I adjust the genesis pose what I want to , and save the pose as
3 make new sceane, then if I apply the " newpose.dsb" as genesis, the pose broken.
4 I do not know the "newpose.dsb" memorized the true value (which is out of limits of rotation) or not,
but how can I save and quick apply the pose with true node rotation value?
I think if I change node rotation controll property , (bend forword back etc, or just X ,Y,Z rotation)
I may save and apply true value of rotation.
so I may change the limits of value by parameter setting editor, and save it by save modified assets of
property editor, it I do it, it happened other problems or not?
or should I need to save genesis as new figure ?
is there more good way to apply pose preset with value without limits?
it is terrible nuisance. I think no merits for user. (I think it is just for ease weight mapping)
the genesis rig can move more and more.
and there seems no need to restrict the rotation with in so narrow scope.
it seems genesiss degeneration about move.
or just prefer which you want, genesis should keep limitied value rotation, or not. by user more easy.
ok,,, I have changed every limits of lotation what I want to be. and
just "save modified assets" by property editor.
it seems has no problem. (I can not confirm , so if someone try , save data of genesis, and keep it other folda)
now I can apply my dsb pose preset with exact rotation value.
then my genesis can join yoga club now.
and if I save the pose as dsf , it seems keep limits without change prolerty,
but the pose icon has no image, so I do not like to seve pose preset as dsf..