Grrrrrrrrrrr... Postgres.exe

What exactly does postgres.exe and why several instances restarts non-stop after I close DS?


(Which reminds me about "Who is this general Failure and what he is doing with my HD???"}


  • PostgreSQL is the database engine that provides the Content Management Service.

  • PostgreSQL is the database engine that provides the Content Management Service.

    I hoped it is some kind of cloud service and I can dump it in the trashcan. No luck I guess:-(

  • Note that you're supposed to have several instances of PostgreSQL running in the background.

    How long are you waiting after closing D|S to check on the multiple instances? There is a lot of background tidying-up going on after D|S closes, part of which is updating and maintaining the content database. This can take up to several minutes, but after that all the instances are supposed to close.

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