Slow Render Time?

Sorry, I have no doubt that this issue was already mentioned before ut I can't seem to find it. Nevertheless, I'll ask again: How do you speed up your render time? Mines usually takes 20 minutes to render and sometimes for larger ones, it takes an hour. One hour to render one image. Are there any available methods anyone know to reduce the time of rendering?


  • Man, my small scenes used to take an hour...  Assuming you're using Iray, light the crap out of the scene.  Use ghost lights, emmisives, mesh lights, spotlights, everything.  Google search something called three point lighting systems and go to town on setting them up in your scene.  Then, make sure Tone Mapping under Render Settings is Enabled.  Dialing up the Exposure Value under Tone Mapping will effectively darken the scene, exactly the same as increasing the shutter speed or ISO of a camera.  You'll get the same effect by changing the Shutter Speed, F/Stop, or Film ISO on the same tab.  If you can find a guide or tutorial that tells you what all those settings under Tone Mapping do... well, let me know, because I never found one.  Exposure Value is key, though.

    If you're already doing that, then also under Render Settings, click the Advanced Tab and look about halfway down the sheet for OptiX Prime Acceleration.  Turn that on if its not already.

    If that's already set... then I'm running out of ideas short of making your scenes smaller or upgrading your hardware.  Good luck!

  • IllidanstormIllidanstorm Posts: 655
    edited September 2018

    You can try this

    other than that avoid reflections and make sure your scene has a lot of light. If you want a darker scene, instead of using less light, turn down the ISO so Iray still has light rays to work with. Its fast to have more lights in the scene than brighten it up with the ISO or other settings.

    20 minutes is pretty normal though. It usually takes 30 mins to 1 hour for me as well with a 1080 ti having 2-3 people in the scene and some enviroment.

    Post edited by Illidanstorm on
  • This comment was more or less intended to find out if other people had the same render times as me. I am going to try these suggestions. Thank you.

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,603

    For me twenty minutes for an Iray scene is fairly fast. I can sometines get this for a simple scene, some scenes render for hours. I'm usng a GTX 1050 Ti which isn't a very powerful graphics card. For 3Delight 20 minutes is average for a scene that isn't to complicated but using ambient lights and some shaders can stretch this to hours.

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