Render doesn't look finished and smooth (why?)

I've been using DAZ for a while now
but recently I've been getting some crappy renders 

anyone having a problem with the render(s) looking finished 
anyone have a fix? 



Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 11.35.44 AM.png
1430 x 918 - 2M


  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744

    A screenshot of your render settings would help, especially in the Progressive Render section.

    As a rule, Iray also does better with more direct light on the main focus of your scene. The more it needs to bounce light off walls, floors, etc. to get to your figure, the harder it will be to get the render quality to what you want. You might be better off adding some lights that shine on her. If you like the lighting effects in general, try adding some more low-level lights instead of a single spotlight or something like that.

  • My guess is that it's because the render isn't finished.

    Assuming that's an Iray render, and you're using the default render settings, it's an easy mistake to make.

    Unlike 3Dlight, which works through an image pixel by pixel, and never changes a pixel once it's written it, iray works a series of iterations on the whole image. Left to it's own devices it would do that forever, so you have to tell it when to stop. That's done in the "Progressive Rendering" part of the render settings. The render will stop when one of these conditions is met...

    • The convergence % reaches the Rendering Converged Ratio . Convergence is difficult to explain, but you can loosely think of it as a "render quality" percentage. The default target is 95% which is usually pretty good.
    • The number of iterations reaches the Max Samples amount. The default for this is 5000, which is usually plenty, but you could boost the number up to some large amount just to be sure.
    • The elaspsed time reaches Max Time (secs). This is the killer - the default amount is 7200 seconds, i.e. 2 hours. After two hours, the render just stops however grainy it might be. If you have a complex scene and/or a less powerful computer, 2 hours might be nowhere near enough time to render an image properly.

    My advice is to push the Max Samples and Max Time sliders to their highest possible values so it only really considers convergence as a stopping criteria. Just be prepared for some long rendering times (I tend to leave tricky ones running overnight).

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