WinterMoon Wants Attention.



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    "Whoooah kiddo! I hope that's not an endangered species you've caught there."

    "I'm gonna have to throw it back in. Do you think it's venomous? I'm worried about getting bit."

    "How would I know? I don't even know what it is. Let Edgar handle it. He's supposed to be a wizard."


    The Worst Family(c) is spending quality time together. I posted this in the May Newbie Challenge. Is it attention-grabbery to post it here too? frown

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited May 2019


    "Stop running, Benny! He thinks you want to play!"

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Being a wannabe an aspiring novelist has kept me busy the past couple of weeks. Studio has also been kept busy with a huge final version of the fishing pic, which I kept forgetting about until Studio crashed. Cue a bit of artist aaaaaangst, because I'm super excited for the June challenge, and I haven't the foggiest what sort of scene I'm going to do. 

    In the mean time, I just wanted to do a few quick and simple things, like this one. You probably don't recognise her, but this is Steffie, the girl who got very mad that her baby sister dared to touch her Mookie. She's much less mad here, because she's modelling her first pair of "heels." 


    I'm not so happy with this one. It's alright, but Steffie looks too old in it. She's supposed to be ten, and to me she looks more like fourteen here. I thought giving her long lashes would create a doe-eye effect and make her seem younger, but nah. The shadow on her cheek, probably from a nearby tree, doesn't exactly help.


    This is an older image, where she's wearing a different skin and brows. I think maybe I prefer this one, after all. She's still very much a work in progress. In time her two other sisters will also get character models.



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    So I finally have something new to post. I did this for a monthly contest, but that's over, so now I can post it here. Tara is on duty as a community outreach liaison, hence her slighly police-esque outfit. She's visiting a posh private health club, to ask a few questions concerning some rumours that have been going around. Almost-socialite Beatrice is thrilled that she gets to be part of something exciting, so she's spilling the beans more than generously. Tara's feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of informations she's getting. For one, she forgot to bring a recording device, and she's also not sure how a lot of it is relevant to the situation.


    Test render from the fishing trip. This  must have been before Edgar caught a matching pair of wellingtons.


    Aylatani doesn't like getting fish-guts on her hands, so she spent the whole trip chilling in this recliner that she made Phil carry to and from the car. What are husbands for?

  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358

    Liking your countryside esques scenes, and the baby is cute, really love the expression of the older sister at the end of that bit! laugh

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    @Noswen Thank you! smiley I'm on a real rural bender, so if you like that sort of pictures, watch this space! LOL!

  • Reading through this, it's so neat seeing your style developing over time. Great work. And I love the phrase "rural bender," for all sorts of reasons.

  • TigerAnne said:

    So I finally have something new to post. I did this for a monthly contest, but that's over, so now I can post it here. Tara is on duty as a community outreach liaison, hence her slighly police-esque outfit. She's visiting a posh private health club, to ask a few questions concerning some rumours that have been going around. Almost-socialite Beatrice is thrilled that she gets to be part of something exciting, so she's spilling the beans more than generously. Tara's feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of informations she's getting. For one, she forgot to bring a recording device, and she's also not sure how a lot of it is relevant to the situation.

    this looks really nice.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Reading through this, it's so neat seeing your style developing over time. Great work. And I love the phrase "rural bender," for all sorts of reasons.

    Thank you! I'm glad you can actually see development, because I can't, really. Sometimes I'm wondering if I'm making any actual progress, or if I'm just collecting better stuff.


    this looks really nice.

    Awww, thank you! laugh


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited June 2019

    It looks like I've never gotten around to posting this one in here. Before Aylatani was the Minister of Education, and even before she was a college professor, she worked in the public school system as a science teacher. One grey Friday afternoon, she was showing her students an award-winning documentary about caterpillars.


    I finally discovered what I was doing wrong with dForce, and it's so stupid I won't even confess to it. That's Riana doing the modelling. You probably don't recognise her with that skin, and that's okay because neither do I. 


    She's wearing the skin texture from Mousso's Nova, the eyebrows from Ai, and I can't remember whose eyes. (Those are also from a Mousso character.) Her sister Liranda uses the same skin texture, but I feel like it doesn't quite work for Riana.


    Here's Adana, using the Emery textures. I like how she looks, actually. It's a wild departure from her earlier appearance, but much closer to her original Sim version.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    I've mentioned it before, but Aylatani has a total of 13 children, in two different time-lines. This is the oldest of them all, Zarinda. She's Liranda's twin sister, who's spent most of her life in her shadow.


    Growing up destitute and with a bad relationship with her father, Zarinda had serious anger problems as a child. Most of the time she took it out on poor Liranda, and physical violence between the sisters was an everyday occurence. Things changed after Phil initially left the family (if favour of their 70-something babysitter), and from their teen years on the oldest pair of twins have been good friends. Adult Zarinda is pretty much unflappable, to the point of apathy. Her survival strategy seems to be to ignore everything that's not directly threatening her life at the moment. She's married to a guy called Brice, and has a badly-tempered daughter named Brianna.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    was going to enter this month's challenges, and hopefully learn a thing or two, but I'm so out of inspo. frown Instead I'm making models of my characters.

    The girl on the right is Maikana. She's the youngest of Aylatani's children with Phil, and the only of her kids not to be a twin or quadruplet. Maikana is a Daddy's girl, and definitely the one to take most after Phil. Apart from not inheriting his nose (it went to Zarinda instead), she's his spitting image. She's got a husband named Simon, and an alien adopted daughter - Lilo - who's light green with neon multi-coloured hair. (Simon gave birth to her after being abducted by aliens. Don't blame me, it's a random game feature!) Maikana and Simon have a penchant for PDA, and narrowly escaping Mrs. Crumplebottom's brick-weighted purse. They bring out the best of the worst in each other, especially when they have brilliant ideas like "Let's start a sinister cult!"

    Maikana and Zarinda in their original versions. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    TigerAnne said:

    was going to enter this month's challenges, and hopefully learn a thing or two, but I'm so out of inspo. frown Instead I'm making models of my characters.

    The girl on the right is Maikana. She's the youngest of Aylatani's children with Phil, and the only of her kids not to be a twin or quadruplet. Maikana is a Daddy's girl, and definitely the one to take most after Phil. Apart from not inheriting his nose (it went to Zarinda instead), she's his spitting image. She's got a husband named Simon, and an alien adopted daughter - Lilo - who's light green with neon multi-coloured hair. (Simon gave birth to her after being abducted by aliens. Don't blame me, it's a random game feature!) Maikana and Simon have a penchant for PDA, and narrowly escaping Mrs. Crumplebottom's brick-weighted purse. They bring out the best of the worst in each other, especially when they have brilliant ideas like "Let's start a sinister cult!"

    Maikana and Zarinda in their original versions. 

    Great natural posing on these two!  I'm struggling a bit with inspiration at the moment myslelf.  Real life has just been insane.  Hoping this week slows down at least a tiny bit.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited June 2019

    Great natural posing on these two!  I'm struggling a bit with inspiration at the moment myslelf.  Real life has just been insane.  Hoping this week slows down at least a tiny bit.

    Thank you, Sonja! I hope the week will treat you nicely. Mine has started by treating me to a stiff shoulder and neck. There goes my long no-painkiller streak. x)


    I mentioned Maikana's green alien daughter, and I figured I couldn't just say A and not B. Here's Lilo, in her bright neon glory. I'm really happy with how she came out, she's just so pretty. Members of her species have hair that changes colours with their emotions. Oranges, pinks and purples are Lilo's happy colours. Her sad colour is grey.


    Lilo's currently going through her species' 500-year puberty, and as she's only about 30 years into it, she's got a lot of high-school drama to look forward to yet. Her parents have magical medicine to keep them young, so they can keep up with her. They're thinking maybe it's time she had a little sister or brother soon, who will in time become her big sister or brother. She's got a cousin living in the same house as her - Liranda's youngest daughter, who's also mysteriously not aging. Liranda can't bear the idea of letting her baby grow up, so she's been secretly putting anti-aging elixir in her food. (Liranda's got issues, dude.)


    Lilo enjoys stargazing, seeing if she can spot her "other" father's space ship. Maybe he'll beam her up to meet his side of the family some day. She also loves bright, glowing colours (duh?), all things 80s, cartoons, motorcycles and collecting small plastic animals. (She plays with them when she's alone.)



    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    TigerAnne said:

    Great natural posing on these two!  I'm struggling a bit with inspiration at the moment myslelf.  Real life has just been insane.  Hoping this week slows down at least a tiny bit.

    Thank you, Sonja! I hope the week will treat you nicely. Mine has started by treating me to a stiff shoulder and neck. There goes my long no-painkiller streak. x)

    I'm no stranger to pain, these past few years, (broken wrist, impinged shoulder, a few other not-nice issues from a bad fall,) and I've learned a few things about over-the-counter pain relievers. For instance, caffeine will make them more effective, so if you like coffee, of caffeinated soda, be sure and drink some after taking the pills. Also, one tylenol and one advil, (or generic equivalent,) taken together is said to be as effective, or more effective, at relieving pain than one hydrocodone. Without the opoid issue.

    Lilo is indeed very pretty. I love her large blue eyes. They really go well with her shape and color. And the hair! lol. I love that it changes color. Unfortunately for her, it broadcasts her emotions to anyone who knows what the colors mean.

    I'm struggling with inspriration now, too. I've started two different scenes for Llola's monthly challenge, (for the PFDLives forum, this time,) and still can't find my muse! You. IceDragonArt, me… maybe we can blame it on the time of year. Seems like there are lots of things demanding attention as Spring transitions into Summer…

    That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    L'Adair said:

    For instance, caffeine will make them more effective, so if you like coffee, of caffeinated soda, be sure and drink some after taking the pills.

    Ooo0oh, I did not know that! Thank you for the tip, L'Adair! I actually have a couple of cans of Monster, so if I need to medicate again tomorrow, I'll be sure to try. (I may be temporarily addicted to the Mango Loco limited edition.) Moving around during the day seems to have loosened up whatever it was that had tied itself in a knot. It had been a bit sore for a few days, but when I got out of bed today, it just ambushed me. I feel like a wimpazoid when I turn to da pillz, because everyone I know is a badass who can pull 18-hours shifts while having the flu, and walk for three days in the mountains with a broken ankle. And then there's TigerAnne. sad


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    TigerAnne said:
    L'Adair said:

    For instance, caffeine will make them more effective, so if you like coffee, of caffeinated soda, be sure and drink some after taking the pills.

    Ooo0oh, I did not know that! Thank you for the tip, L'Adair! I actually have a couple of cans of Monster, so if I need to medicate again tomorrow, I'll be sure to try. (I may be temporarily addicted to the Mango Loco limited edition.) Moving around during the day seems to have loosened up whatever it was that had tied itself in a knot. It had been a bit sore for a few days, but when I got out of bed today, it just ambushed me. I feel like a wimpazoid when I turn to da pillz, because everyone I know is a badass who can pull 18-hours shifts while having the flu, and walk for three days in the mountains with a broken ankle. And then there's TigerAnne. sad

    Well, I'm definitely no badass! Me and tylenol go way back…

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I finally caught up with your thread. I love seeing how far you've come with your renders. You have a great sense of humor that I love seeing play out. Keep it up. :)

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    @Knittingmommy Aww, thank you! Now I need to go catch up with your thread. I've fallen behind on reading.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Lol. It probably won't take much time. I haven't been as active lately as I used to. Way too busy these day with my writing.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    I haven't been as active lately as I used to. Way too busy these day with my writing.

    yesyes I'm writing too, as I mentioned in your thread. My friend and me are exploring the niche of Christian Horror, LOL! (No but really, it's nothing proselytizing. It's horror with more emphasis on dread and thrills, without gratuitious violence, sex or grodiness.) I'm afraid I'm bound to absolute silence about the plot, but it's set in Victorian times. 


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Sounds kind of cool. Horror is definitely not my niche, but I have a few friends who write in the niche and they say it's a great niche to be in. Very profitable, too. :) Good luck!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    "Ooooooooooh, I'm receiving a prophecy: The true bearer of the baleful name is hiding its face. The reflection is cast elsewhere, in transgression. The innocent rest in pieces. There have been lies and deceit. Vengeance can be done without."

    Maikana thoroughly enjoys her work as an oracle. She was the one who founded The Temple of the Secret Enigma in the first place, so it was only fair that she should be its most elated member. Just because you run a scam cult, and have no otherwordly powers to speak of, it doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun along the way. 

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    You may have a suspicion by now that character creation is my favourite part of 3D everything, really. So, here we have yet another couple of members of the cast from The Worst Story Ever. (Which you can find on LiveJournal, if you're morbidly curious.) I did a few quick "This is how they look" renders of them. 

    This is Nerniya, named so because "it sounded like the moonbeams on the ocean" on the night she was born. She's the oldest of Ryan and Cindie's three children, although only by minutes since she's a twin. Nerniya has been misadjusted pretty much since day one. Her first adventure in sneaking out with "the bad kids," and getting drunk on beer, happened while she was still a toddler in badger PJs. She's extremely embarrassed by both of her demented eccentric parents, and her twin sister was pretty much her only emotional support growing up.


    As a teenager, Nerniya was told she looked a lot like Christina Aguilera, and she's certainly been dressing the part ever since. This is one of her more modest looks, if that tells you anything. In high-school, she had a romantic affair with a werewolf. He broke her heart when he imprinted on a girl who lived with them, and who was incorrectly believed to be Phil's daughter. Nerniya and the other girl were in a constant state of fight for several years, until the girl's mother decided she wanted her kid back. There's also a younger biological brother in the family, who Nerniya used to take out her anger on.


    Here's T'anamika, Nerniya's younger twin. Her name "sounded like the golden sunrise," and was given to her because of her gold-blonde hair. She's got the same huge eyes as her sister (except I made them too small), but different nose and mouth, so they've always been fairly easy to tell apart. If you thought Nerniya sounded like a trouble magnet, believe me, she has nothing on T'anamika. 

    In her high-school years, T'ana had a puppy-love affair with a sad vampire, because sad vampire romance makes any story better and more dramatic and emotional and gripping. It just couldn't last, because the vampire boy had a sad prophecy that forced him to marry someone else. T'ana is beyond humiliated by her dad, Ryan, and his insistance that no children have ever been harmed by seeing their father use the toilet while they're putting their make-up on. 


    T'anamika is a... progressive dresser. I don't actually have the right skirt in my runtime yet to recreate her most iconic look, but she looks pretty rad like this. Whenever T'ana appears in the narration, she's usually described by words such as beautiful, mysterious, urban, lonely, edgy and brave. Pretty much the first thing she did as an adult, was to start a relationship with an extremely troubled man called Buck. They married and had a daughter. Then she had to lock him in the attick for a few years, because he didn't get along with some of her family. During his incarceration, they had another daughter, who is the chosen one.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    @TigerAnne how did you know I used to dress like this in the 80's?


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    how did you know I used to dress like this in the 80's?

    That's amazing! I was way too young to be allowed to take full advantage of 80s fashions, but I remember having orange high-tops, jeans and denim jackets with patches and the American flag, plastic neon everything...


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    TigerAnne said:

    Great natural posing on these two!  I'm struggling a bit with inspiration at the moment myslelf.  Real life has just been insane.  Hoping this week slows down at least a tiny bit.

    Thank you, Sonja! I hope the week will treat you nicely. Mine has started by treating me to a stiff shoulder and neck. There goes my long no-painkiller streak. x)


    I mentioned Maikana's green alien daughter, and I figured I couldn't just say A and not B. Here's Lilo, in her bright neon glory. I'm really happy with how she came out, she's just so pretty. Members of her species have hair that changes colours with their emotions. Oranges, pinks and purples are Lilo's happy colours. Her sad colour is grey.


    Lilo's currently going through her species' 500-year puberty, and as she's only about 30 years into it, she's got a lot of high-school drama to look forward to yet. Her parents have magical medicine to keep them young, so they can keep up with her. They're thinking maybe it's time she had a little sister or brother soon, who will in time become her big sister or brother. She's got a cousin living in the same house as her - Liranda's youngest daughter, who's also mysteriously not aging. Liranda can't bear the idea of letting her baby grow up, so she's been secretly putting anti-aging elixir in her food. (Liranda's got issues, dude.)


    Lilo enjoys stargazing, seeing if she can spot her "other" father's space ship. Maybe he'll beam her up to meet his side of the family some day. She also loves bright, glowing colours (duh?), all things 80s, cartoons, motorcycles and collecting small plastic animals. (She plays with them when she's alone.)



    Love these.  Hope your neck is feeling better!  I usually do ice 20 min - nothing 20 min Heat 20 min nothing 20 min - repeat as often as necessary.  I avoid medication whenever possible and this has helped a lot.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Love these.  Hope your neck is feeling better!  I usually do ice 20 min - nothing 20 min Heat 20 min nothing 20 min - repeat as often as necessary.  I avoid medication whenever possible and this has helped a lot.

    Thank you! laugh I'm usually never very happy with how my character portraits turn out, but I surprised myself with these. Maybe it's just Lilo who's a natural model! 

    My neck is about 900% better. A bit of gardening loosened it up. I don't think it was anything serious.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited July 2019

    It's a warm Sunday afternoon in late spring. Liranda has taken two of her younger sisters, Riana and Iris (and Riana's dog Pascoe), to a local park to chill out and catch up on what's been happening. I chose deliberately not to use DoF to full effect in this picture, because TangoAlpha's medieval garden is such a crazy detailed and beautiful environment. It would be sad to just blur it all out, I personally think. 

    This is the first proper look at Aylatani's youngest daughter, Iris. She was in the picture I submitted to the June challenge, but I'm not posting that one here yet. I'm planning a series of seasonal pictures later, and I'll probably include it in that. Iris is a bit of an enigma. Because both of her parents are/were a mix of several species, she's got many different types of DNA in her. This has led to a genetic mutation that's never been seen in the human world before. Long story short, she can't stop being a teenager. Well, technically she can, as she must be around fifty years old now, but physically she can't reach maturity. Her puberty is an endless cycle, where she develops almost into a woman, before un-developing back into childhood. Poor Iris, she will be in middle and high school for ever. Luckily for her, she's not alone. She's got her nieces Lilo and Mira, who are also non-aging for different reasons. While her sisters Adana and Riana accidentally age-froze themselves at 19, they've been able to develop adult maturity levels (mostly). Iris is a lot more like a child, in most ways, and is often frustrated by it. 

    There are times when I'm about to post a picture, or even working on a render, and I'm thinking "TigerAnne, enough with these characters now! They're from a terrible story you only wrote to entertain a handful of friends, and it's only funny to them because they're familiar with the stuff that's parodied. This isn't the Mod The Sims forum, with its special brand of crazy. You've got other stories, with much more compelling and well-rounded characters. Why don't you render those???" Well, the truth is, I've always meant to. The whole reason I got into 3D was because I can't paint or draw well enough to properly show other people what my characters look like. But as you all know, there's a learning curve. It's just way easier for me to recreate characters that already have a three-dimentional, if low-poly, model to work from. This whole crazy family originated as Sims, after all. And on top of all of this, I keep thinking that these dumbass characters can be reworked into something better. I could spin an actual sci-fi or urban fantasy story around them.

    Teal Deer: You'll probably be seeing better stuff from me in time, but for now I'm still learning.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited January 2020

    Here is Zarinda, from the current portrait challenge for Newbies. 

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
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