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I'd say before it goes off! Run fast, run far!
Rrrrrrrrrrumble.... CRASH!!!!
"Mamma Mia, the bridge! IT'S COMING DOWN!!! Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuunnn!
"I'm gonna do as he says!
"Scoot it, kid. We need to get lost quickly."
"But what about Dad and Edgar??
"We don't know them and have never met them before. Let's get to the car!"
Oh My Lord!! I could hear that exploding all the way here in Canada!!!
I hope they get out in time!!
Stay tuned....

Back at the homestead, Adana has arrived to join the adventure.
"Wow, that was a long drive! I'm glad I'm finally here. Soooo, has anything interesting happened?"
"No, not at all! It's been very quiet and almost boring."
"Really? Well, I better shake things up a bit around here then!"
I hope you've enjoyed a break from my nonsense while I've been playing Sims for a couple of weeks. Anywhoo, I managed to squeeze this li'l squirt in for a "portrait session." She's as of yet an unnamed character. All I know about her is that she's a little tomboy who lives in a place that resembles northern England, and that she likes 90s alternative rock. A commenter in the gallery suggested that she looks like she could have a secret super-power, and I really like that idea.
Which hair is that? That looks really good. Overall, this is the most lifelike render I've seen from you, aside from the waxiness of the character's skin.
Casual Spikes with Sloshwerks' hair shaders.
Thanks! Both the morph and the textures are by Angel Wings (on Rendo), who does amazing child characters.
So hi there. I'm sorry I haven't been very active in commenting on your threads, guys, There have been thousands of things on my mind at once, and I just kind of zoned out.
I did another little render of an Angel Wings girl. This time it's Tiffany as the base, and as usual I couldn't leave well enough alone and made tweaks. So yeah, it's not really Tiffany anymore. I'm not sure who she is. Maybe I just needed a little cuteness as an antidote, after playing Sims who look like this. (I love my freaky Sims though. UwU)
Nice job!
Thanks! :)
It's been ages since I've rendered anything. (A couple of weeks, anyway.) I'm doing a lot of writing at the moment, and I haven't really had any good render ideas for well, ages. Just to stay in practice, I finished dial-spinning a model of one of my characters, that had been left half-baked for several months.
This is Raelynn Carmichael, AKA the Narrator. She's the poor brave soul who's been given the task of chronicalling the lives of the much put-upon Starbloom and Nightingwolf families. It's very important to her that people realise that she's not making up those tragic tales of sadness and woe (which is true, because I'm the one who does that), she's just narrating them for the world. Raelynn's writing style is, shall we say.... rather unique.
It may have been a mistake to unleash Raelynn. She's got a way of demanding attention and planting bad ideas for stories and renders in my head. And if that wasn't enough, I think her school just announced that it's closed for the next two weeks, which is way more free time than Raelynn (and WinterMoon, at any age) should be allowed!
Now that she's here, she's been granted a little modelling session. She wanted to show off how "urban, mysterious and lonesome" she can look, posing in a car-park while getting take-away with her dad. (In the nick of time before the restaurant closed, apparently.) On the left is the actual present-day Raelynn, in her colourful signature style. The picture on the left is how she imagines herself, if she'd been born "in a better time."
I aboslutely adore the moody lighting on the last one!
"Born in a better time" ! Oh, I think we've all had that thought, haven't we? Your characters are so interesting and creative! I've enjoyed going through your thread.
Thank you! Creating and designing characters is one of my favourite things to do. I'm happy to hear that people find them interesting and entertaining! :) It's my favourite way to expell the madness inside, LOL!
Raelynn's only about 14 or 15, she doesn't remember a world without social media or smart-phones. Going outside without her phone seems outright dangerous to her, yet she knows that it's how people used to live. The idea of that world fascinates endlessly. In fact, a couple of her friends are annoyed with her for idolizing that unenlightened past. D:
You have such a distinctive style... I think at this point I'd be able to recognise a WinterMoon render without context!
Thank you!
....I think? I'm glad to hear my work does have a "signature" style, but whether that style is a good thing or not... LOL!
It's good!

This is Belinda and John-Egon. I uh.... In the most recent chapter of a story I'm co-writing with a friend, there was mention of a terrible musical album titled Belinda and John-Egon Sing Forgotten Ballade Pearls. I just had to render the cover "art," because the readers needed to see the horror I imagined in my head. (Having grown up among people who were quite likely to have that kind of records in their collections.) Belinda came out even creepier than I had intended, so I'll have to dial her down a little if she's making a re-appearance some time. And she probably will, because you know me.
So here's some anti-dote. Paloma here is one of my favourite characters from the same story. She's the oldest of five children and works as an attorney. Paloma collects owl-themed stuff, and sometimes has visions of an alternate past. She used to be a werewolf but that got old. Nowadays she assists her uncle (who really ought to have a model, because he's got style, dude) in his everlasting quest to make sure the infamous arcade game Polybius stays lost.
I never really liked my first model of Ryan. His features were off mark, and overall he just didn't capture the "shaggy dog who's dumb, but cute and friendly"-vibe that defines his character. This time I didn't try to recreate the Sim version all that accurately, and instead went for what I imagine he would have looked like if he was real. I like this version much more.
Oh no, TigerAnne's exiled with unlimited access to DS! That can't be good!
The Dial Them Out thread inspired me to do a render of Zelie for Teen Kaylee, since I don't actually have Kaylee and only bought Zelie because I needed a pale skin for a character. On the left is Zelie on her own, and on the right Josie 8 (at 50%) substitutes for Kaylee. Now that I've seen her potential, I really like her!
Zelie was actually a big part of why I bought the Kaylee bundle. Often needs expression presets tweaking a bit, I find, but yeah, she's got a lot of potential.
Actually, the idea of "Dial Them Out" often works really well; there are a few times I've taken add-on shapes and layered them over a different base morph, which can often be a nice way of slightly tweaking a character to be a bit different from where they started.
I haven't been doing a lot of rendering lately, but in between all the other non-essential stuff I've been doing think I succeeded in creating representative models of two of my orginal character. Yes, these are two of my actual characters, from my real story. They're not among the main characters, though. I'm still getting stressed out when I think of making them, because of all the failed attempts it would no doubt lead to. Still, these two have their own gravity within the characters dynamic.
The guy on the left is Todd "the Toddler" Owens, sometimes also known as "Toad." He's got the good fortune of having a literal baby face, as well as a lot of other crap making his life suck. I don't want to go into details at the moment. Todd's not really the nicest of people, and has a very hard time making friends because of it. He lives with his mother, aunt, uncle and three cousins in a large farmhouse, where he mostly stays in his room and administrates a couple of online forums. Most of his interactions with peers happen on the internet. That's also how he met Simon.
Simon Ronan (on the right) is Todd's best friend, although it's almost certain that Todd's not his. Todd doesn't really approve of most of Simons' friends, and has banned several of them from the forum. (Repeatedly, as Simon is his co-admin and keeps giving them their access back.) Simon and Todd have a lot in common regarding their situations. They both struggle with health issues, and live in families that have internal tensions as well as a few elephants in the room. Simon's parents got divorced after his birth-mother allegedly tried to kill him as an infant. He doesn't know what became of her, but he believes he's got half-siblings somewhere he doesn't know anything about. His first step-mom, who adopted him as her own, was killed by ice falling off a roof when he was 8 years old. It was a hard blow for Simon, but even worse for his 5-year-old brother, Percy, who's never recovered from the trauma despite going to therapy for years. Their father remarried five years later, and the boys gained two step-brothers who both had ghosts of their own. They're by no means a dysfunctional family, as they've made a loving and supportive environment for each other, but some of the skeletons refuse to leave their closets.
Todd's family could probably be described as borderline dysfunctional. His parents are also divorced, as his father left the family, citing the fact that he was always in someone's way no matter what he did. Todd's mother, Daisie, is a very strong and dominant presence and the one who makes all the rules for everyone else in the house. She doesn't suffer fools gladly, but she's forced to suffer them all the same. There's an older brother, Johnny, who's Todd's opposite in every way: Handsome, dark-haired, lean, athletic, popular. He was the perfect big-brother while they were kids, but he's moved away. Daisie's sister Bella, who co-own the property, is a histrionic drama-queen who goes to bed with conniptions at the slightest sign of trouble. Her husband, Albert, is a dishrag with no opinions, who prefers to hide in the bathroom with a Donald Duck pocket book when the tempers start brewing. Their daugther and two sons are all younger than Todd, and he can barely stand any of them.
Oh no, I wasn't going to write an essay! But I did. I always do. Simon's model needs a few adjustmenst, I can see now. He also needs an older version, because this one came out looking like an early teenager rather than a young adult. Click to see him as a Sim.
Good to see you back! I was just wondering where you’d been and was thinking about giving this thread a poke.
You didn’t actually specify how old these characters are, but Simon looks pretty representative of the Sim to me.
Simon is such a great character! He reminds me of so many people I see out in the real world. He could be German, or Polish, or British... There are two brothers living across the street from me, they both could be him, too.
It's good to feel missed.
I've just not been in in the Dazzing mood for a while, I think. My friend and me are pretty close to finishing the first book in our hopefully publishable series, and we've been cranking our extra gears a little. Then several scenes I'd set up refused to render, and I haven't had much luck diagnosing the problem. So I decided to spend my quarantine playing Sims.
Over the course of the story they grow from young teens to 30-somethings, so the models aren't wrong exactly. I was trying to make Simon look somewhere between 20-23, but he ended up looking a few years younger than that. If I adjust his height down a little, he could probably pass for anywhere between 14 and 17. With Todd it's pretty much impossible to guess his age, what with his baby features and everything. In the story it's one of his major big red nuclear buttons! x)
Thank you! While I was dialling him up I kept thinking that he reminds me of someone I've seen in real life, too. I guess he's just got that "classmate" sort of look to him. It that means I'm getting better at realistic faces, then that would be great!
Have you tried one of the Growing Up products here? They seem to do a good job for making age progression images.
Yes, I've got it for G8F, but for some reason I've never gotten around to getting the G8M version.
And today, we have something slightly different.
I think Gayll and Ceejay have a little spring fling going.
A while ago I made this model of a character from the story my best friend and me are writing. I was a bit hesitant to post him, because everything about our literary work is Top Secret. But I figured it can't hurt. Just his face isn't a spoiler or something anyone's going to steal, and later sue us for writing about. I'm not going to be using this as official art or anything. It's just a referance picture for ourselves. I needed to have a model of this guy, since he shares his name with one of my other OCs and I kept picturing him as a long-haired AltRock fan, rather than a young 19th century gentleman.