How to un-hide thigh and leg

There are some pants that, when loaded on a charecter, make the wearer's leg and thigh to be hidden.

While this stategy is helpfull to avoid poke-through, it also make using D-Force impossible.

My question: How can I un-hide the leg an the thigh? (Note that the "eye" associated with these bodyparts stays open even if they aren't visible.)


  • You can't, without direct file-editing, stop everything from hiding but you can restrict it to a single sacrificial polygon. Make sure you have the base figure selected and the trousers fitted, switch to the Geometry Editor, and select a single polygon you don't mind losing (say on the sole of the foot). Right-click in the Viewport>Geometry Assignment>Created Auto-Hide group for Fitted items, and in the dialogue that opens select the trousers (going from memory on the menu commands, but I think that should let you find the right one). Switch to another tool, unfit the trousers, and fit them again - you should now have the legs visible again.

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