Double trouble

Okay the first problem i have is that having a new mac, i find that when i log into Daz i no longer have the option to remember my suer name and password. Not sure if this is because of the new machine or the new Daz set up, but it is a nuisance to have to always type those details every time i want to get into met Daz account. I am the only person using this machine by the way so security is not an issue.
Second is something i had the answer to some time ago but have forgotten the solution to. When i start Daz whenever the cursor hovers over content that content is highlighted, i need to know how to stop that happening.
Any help would be appreciated, many thanks
Well I can answer your first qusetion, The remember me box seems to have disappeared for everyone, so it would seem this is a part of the New site st up.
I can not answer your Daz studio question, as I don't use DS, but I am sure someone will be along soon to answer that one for you.
It sounds like you have the Node Highlighting set to Bounding Box & Surface. To change it just open the Tool Settings tab and change the Draw Style to Bounding Box only.
Hope this helps... :)
Thanks for the advice. I think the decision to remove the remember me tab was nuts, but hey, who am i!
I tried the tools settings tab but maybe i am doing something wrong because i can't find any way to edit i am more confused, help meeeee please
It should look like this with nothing selected in the scene tab and the node selection tool selected
click on draw style and set to bounding box
Hope this helps... :)
Thank you so much, i was looking in the wrong place for tools setting, never having used that before, it worked like a dream.
Hate to sound touchy but the removal of the stay logged in option has to be a bit nuts, whoever was that removed?
We don't know, It just suddenly disappeared one day. Maybe a gremlin ate it.