DXF or DWG files import error

Trying to import a DXF file into Hex from Autocad Architecture 2018, I get an error "Read error:"
I've tried opening or importing the DWG file, same error.
Autocad IS the trial version, so maybe opening files it exports is locked? Unclear at this point. but the Import of DXF or DWG files is the entire reason I got the trial.
Anyone know why Hex might be giving a read error?
Post edited by Vially on
Are you able to save as R12? (release 12 from the last century, not 2012)
The type of object in AutoCAD might be a problem as well. If the object is a SOLID or nurbs surface, it may not be readable. Hexagon imports meshes or polylines/curves
I just tested importing R12 DXF (ASCII text) and DWG. The SOLIDS are converted to meshes so Hexagon will show them.
Well for R12 and R14, I do not get the error; however there is nothing within the file and the scene item list remains blank.
Might add I'm not concerned with the AEC items and such, it's the Wall and wall openings that I am trying to get into Hex, (for starters, may add windows and doors once I get this down.)
Okay, do not know what I did differently, but it worked this time (5th attempt this morning.)
Anyway, it appears that cubes and faces come in just fine, but where the item might chaange shape it has a problem with.
It's Messy, but it worked!
I attached an image for what I'm talking about, it appears that wherever there is a cutout for a door or window, 1 side of teh "cube" will return to the plane start point, not "cut", hard to explain, but it is obvious in the picture.
P.S. image is from the Hexagon Imp[ort... so thank you :)
Be reminded that Hexagon only supports a subset of the possible elements the .dxf format supports.
I use another app that is compatible with AutoCAD Solids and there is a function that will mesh the Solids before exporting. Autocad may have a similar function. Something else to try might be exporting an STL. Hexagon won't open an STL but you could convert it to an OBJ in Blender or other app.
I don't know that either suggestion will give you anything better than what you have.
Try to use OBJ with Hexagon, unless you are only dealing with line objects.
Hi Shawn,
The initial issue is, I'm trying to go from AutoCad to Hex, My export of DXF or DWG files just do not come into Hex at all, if they are from the current version of AutoCad. The image above I exported from the current AutoCad to an earlier release format of AutoCad R14 DXF, it pulls in, but you can see the work that's ahead of me to make it a Hex model that can later be exported to DAZ, or other programs.
I did see on the AutoCad forums that exporting to OBJ "might" be an option, and posted a how to question, (OBJ is NOT an option when exporting from AutoCad that I can find,) but have heard nothing from that post.
Hexagon is using an old format still for those, somewhere around 2001/2002-ish. Eovia wasn't serious about updating import/exporting for DXF/DWG. Current versions of those formats at the time didn't work with Hexagon when it first was released. The best you could get from AutoCAD was a lot of re-editing afterwards.
Anyway, if you're able to import those formats into your hexagon, and your object is triangulated afterwords is all, I'd say things are working. Hard to UV-map though. And you may have to merge polys together to get a single object (like a wall).
Getting OBJ would be a blessing though.
I think you'll need to convert to OBJ elsewhere, although someone may have have written a LISP or VBA script to do it. You could do a search for LISP and OBJ, or VBA and OBJ ....If you find one its pretty simple to install into AutoCAD. I have used several of these myself in Intellicad, which runs Autocad scripts.
If AutoCAD exports to DAE or FBX, that might be another method to try, but obviously has to convert to something Hexagon reads.
The heart of the problem I believe is how CAD applications mesh solids. Its a fairly common problem with poor meshes from many different CAD apps.
Can you share the AutoCAD file? Or, can you export it to a SAT format using ACIS OUT? An STP file would be better but I don't think that is an option.
I'd be willing to try export it from a different application, maybe another app would produce better results.
Yep. I use an OBJ exporter for SketchUp 6 (or 8?) that's written in Ruby, to bring its files into Hexagon for fixing meshes.
Yeah, I've still got version 8 on my computer for the Ruby script compatibility. Trimble pretty much handicapped the free version so its useless for things that I had previously used it for.. I stopped using newer vesions ... To be fair though, I have not tried a current version it in a few years. I would not mind having a license for the Pro version, I just can't justify spending that money on something I might use one or twice a year.