Work online or off line does it matter?


I kinda have two questions being fairly new to DS first, is there any benefit by working online with DS or off and does it make any difference?

Also, under render settings in regards to hardware is it necessary to have both GPU and CPU checked or just GPU? I use a GTX 1060 GB  video card running Win10 64-bit and wondered if both GPU and CPU needs to be checked.





  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,929

    For online & offline it is just a matter of metadata & product updates being pushed to your computer sort of like 'app updates' on a smart phone

  • ( I just copy pasted this from a different thread where I tried to answer the CPU vs. GPU thing. I'm a bit new myself so this may not be exactly the right answer, but I'm fairly certain it's relatively accurate.)


    Iray is an nVidia software, and thus will only work with an nVidia GPU, with the higher the memory and cuda cores the better. Higher memory will alow you to use more characters, prop, ext. because the engine off loads the geometry and textures to your GPU, and thus if you have a huge scene it can eat up that memory and then the card won't be able to handle it. Cuda cors are the processing unit in an nVidia card, and thus the more you have the fast the card. Think of Cuda cores as CPU core in this regard. CPU renders will take much much longer then GPU renders, but won't suffer the issue of running out of memory that a card may encounter.

    I tend to leave my CPU out of renders, because it makes my AIO freak out and run like a fighter jet with it's afterburners running, and also my PC turns as sluggish as, well, a slug. 

    That said, both working together will make the render go faster, but when I did do renders with both, in the log files I would see that my CPU did about one iterations to like 50 of the GPU so I felt it wasn't worth it myself.


    * Your 1060 should have enough memory for most things, and it will definitly be way faster then using your CPU alone if you find it starting to default back to the CPU you can always go in and hide/delete things that are not needed, or are not in view . Like you can hide a characters feet and legs if they aren't in the shot and any stuff that's behind your camera. Try it out with both checked and also with only the CPU checked and see if the time you save is worth it it you. I felt it wasn't worth the noise and making my PC go into a coma.

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