Gallery Question

There appears to be no way to upload into the galleries...has this been changed since this upgrade? There used to be a heading...Submit your image...but it doesn't appear below the list of galleries. This new look sure is becoming a pain!!
I may be completely mistaken, but I don't think the galleries will be implemented for a while - or at least that's the impression I got from the posts before the change to the new site.
THat is correct. THe galleries haven't been implemented yet.
Accidently ran across this...looking for something I lost...looks really good...the slide show is pretty neat.
Welcome back :-) I know everything is new and it all takes time but any idea when the galleries will be in full swing again?
now that is just asking for the S word, you should know better
Don't start throwing that "S" word around! We may have to remove your post for it. ROFL!